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How to export Eloqua Contact Subscriptions information using bulk API?


We need to export the contacts subscription information using bulk API ; meaning that for each contacts, we would like to have a list of all the email groups subscribed.

We have many emailgroups, therefore it would be convenient if we can create an export template like : ContactId, NewletterA_Subscribed (Yes/No), NewletterB_Subscribed (Yes/No), …

I tried several template definitions but it was not working.


    "name": "TEST_ExportContacts",

    "fields": {

        "NewsletterSubscribed": "{{Contact.Emailgroups[178].IsSubscribed}}",

        "EventSubscribed": "{{Contact.Emailgroups[144].IsSubscribed}}",

        "EmailAddress": "{{Contact.Field(C_EmailAddress)}}",

        "ContactID": "{{Contact.Id}}"



How can we export the emailgroup subscription info for all contacts in our Eloqua Database ?

Howdy, Stranger!

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