How to update Customer of a Sales Order after Sales Order is submitted?
I have around 50+ sales order, where customer name has been wrongly passed while creating SOs. I was checking options to correct the customer name on the Sales Order. I tried using API
{ "OrderKey" : "OPS:500006216", "Comments" : "Update Actual Customer Name", "BuyingPartyName" : "The ABC LLC", "BuyingPartyContactId": null}
I am getting 200 response, however, in the front end Order first goes to "Approval Pending" and after few minutes it goes to draft. I tried re-submitting the draft, however it does not progressed and eventually it gives below error message
Order management changed the sales order from Approval Pending status to Draft status. Contact your order administrator. (FOM-4515317) oracle.apps.scm.doo.orchInfra.publicModel.common.integration.base.exception.OrchInfraException: prepareForOrchestration failed with error: