Prestatutory Deductions
Since 24B was applied in PROD our Payroll Extract has excluded Medical, Dental and Vision Pre-Tax deductions from the file. The Extract contains the following filter:
(((((CLA.classification_name='Voluntary Deductions')
AND (EE.effective_start_date<=pay_report_utils.get_context_value_date('END_DATE')))
AND (EE.effective_end_date>=pay_report_utils.get_context_value_date('START_DATE')))
AND ((EE.effective_end_date>=pay_report_utils.get_context_value_date('END_DATE'))
OR (EE.effective_end_date=EU.DATE_TO)))
After further research we found that the Classification Name for the elements being excluded were "Prestatutory Deductions" which are not included in the filter, has anything changed in Oracle? Our configuration hasn't changed, our filter hadn't changed, the only possible explanation is that something changed the classification name from Voluntary Deduction to Prestatutory Deduction. We have edited the filter to include the Prestatutory Deduction and that seems to be working fine but were just wondering what caused the shift.