Refresh and Start the Order Promising Server ending with Error
The job Refresh and Start the Order Promising Server ending with Error. no specific error it is showing. Can anyone help here .
Giving some lines from log file -
—GOP msc_data_extractor_pvt.refreshSnapshot : MSP_REVERT_TO_CPPGOP profile is either disabled or undefined and all items are supported by HVGOP. Deleting all rows of msc_op_schema except opdatastoreConfig.xml. In case MSP_REVERT_TO_CPPGOP is enabled, please run "Refresh and Start the Order Promising Server" ESS with all parameters
—HVGOP Optin/Profile is Enabled OR Customer is NOT having Manufacturing items OR Records do exists in msc_planning_bor table with produced_item_level=Item) OR (MSP_SUBMIT_DEFAULT_BOR_ESS is NOT enabled) : Not submitting Create Bill of Resource ESS Job