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Not able to call Table Value set using GET_VALUE_SET function from Fast Formula
Not able to call Table Value set using GET_VALUE_SET function from Fast Formula
We are trying to call Value set from Fast Formula Using Get_value_set Function which has 2 parameters 1st is person id and second Request date
Query for value set as below:-
-- value set name : TEST_V1
--VAlue Column : TO_CHAR('Y')
--Descriptio COlumn :TO_CHAR('Y')
--ID Column :TO_CHAR('Y')
--FROM dual
--WHERE Clause as below
WHere exists (
select 1 cnt from per_all_people_f ppf,per_all_assignments_m paaf,pay_element_entries_vl ee,pay_element_types_f ede,pay_input_values_f pivf,pay_element_entry_values_f peevf,pay_payroll_assignments PPA,pay_assigned_payrolls_dn PAPDN,pay_all_payrolls_f PAP