Create Requisitions as an Advanced User - Enter Requisition Line Item Search Not Working
After selecting 'Enter Requisition Line' and then 'Yes, select an existing item', the item search feature does not return any values. We've tried using various attributes (item description, supplier, purchasing category, etc.), but we've been unable to get anything returned in the search. See the example screen shot below trying to get a hit on 'Office Supplies':
We believe we've correctly completed the 'Steps to Enable'.
Also, if we select 'No, enter details', we're able to enter the requisition line without issue.
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
With the new 24C feature 'Create Requisitions as an Advanced User', the documentation indicates that, after selecting 'Enter Requisition Line' and then 'Yes, select an existing item', user should be able to search for an item using any of these attributes: