Redwood Self Service Procurement
Discussion List
Guided journeysGood morning, Quick question regarding guided journeys: our end users are unable to see the journeys we've configured. Is there a special role required for this feature?
Is it possible to postpone/delay Redwood- Responsive Self Service procurement beyond 25CHi Team, We understand that after 25C, Redwood pages - Responsive self service procurement is going to be mandatory. for us it will be in Aug-2025, Customer wants to del…Kalpesh Salunke-Oracle 7 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Kalpesh Salunke-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP RAAP- Is it possible to hide distribution level DFFs/fields through extensibility?Summary: We would like to hide Funding source, Contract Number under Project costing and Attribute value under Additional information. Is it possible through extensibili…
In RSSP, how do we display smart forms? Users need to search for themSummary: We enabled Responsive SSP in our test environment, and although we can use smart request forms we've created, users need to search for them using the Search bar…
RSSP: Estimated Tax still appearing as £0.00, with multiple line requisition with tax codes attachedSummary: Redwood Responsive Self Service Procurement: In the Cart screen Estimated Tax appearing as £0.00, with multiple line requisition with tax classification codes a…
How can requester view the PO PDF documentSummary: Prior to 24D, in RSSP when a requisition was approved and converted to an Order, we were able to click the PO number hyperlink and would be able to view the PO …Umakanth Saripalli 210 views 13 comments 8 points Most recent by SowmyaCK-Oracle Self Service Procurement
25A- update - Redwood templates for Procurement notificationsSummary: As per the notification received there will be a change as a part of 25A update in BI publisher based notifications to Redwood-based BI Publisher templates. We …
RSSP Missing Attachments Section on Approved RequisitionSummary: We don't see the attachment section to access the attached file on an approved Requisition. We have the option to view the attachments on an approved requisitio…Murthy Iragavarapu-Oracle 63 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Error in SSP related to charge accountSummary: While creating a Purchase requisition, I am continuously getting error messages related to the charge account. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …Shiladitya Roy 83 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
can you add custom validation on accounts field of billing page ?Summary: We wanted to add a validation on the red wood SSP page to utilize an value set for Account field to trigger an validation as this field is not showing as editab…Sheersh Gaur 33 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Create Requisitions as an Advanced UserSummary: I have the following error I dont understand the really purpose of this functionnality car I can only use the option enter details car we dont have items so I c…Judith COLLONGUES 199 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Mansoor Panda1 Self Service Procurement
RSSP - Attachments are missing after PR created.Summary: RSSP - Attachments are missing after PR created. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, It appears that the attachments uplo…Liwen Chiu 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Not able to add ad-hoc approvers in RSSP requisition checkout.on the requisition cart, when we dropdown action and click on view approvers we can able to add additional approvers but we are not able to fetch approvers in the search…
POET Mandatory on Requisition creating issues in Responsive Self Service ProcurementSummary: POET information was made mandatory on requisition using Project Costing DFF setup is creating issues in Responsive Self Service Procurement. Content (please en…
Redwood for Approver's view?Summary: Redwood for Approver's view? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I've checked the recent post of RSSP's what's new and ro…
Unable to update the Price for Change orders created from RSSP vs SSPSummary: Hi @Ashok Sriniva-Oracle, we are able to see that the change orders created from SSP will allow the user to update the price but for the change orders created f…
Suggested buyer field unavailable in Responsive SSPSummary: The suggested buyer field shows up in classic SSP but it is not available in Responsive SSP. Once the user tries to create a non catalog requisition in classic …Tathagata Ghosh-Oracle 178 views 23 comments 1 point Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
In RSSP, new Purchase Requisition, can we hide this field: "Yes, select an existing item"In RSSP, new Purchase Requisition, can we hide this field: "Yes, select an existing item"Ho Pham 34 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
24C-Update Preparer and RequesterSummary: 24C Patch Feature - Update the Preparer and Requester on Requisitions Can admin user run this process on behalf of the preparer since preparer might not be avai…
Punchout error in RSSP but not in classic SSPIn RSSP,for Punchout requisition while checking out from supplier website to Oracle Req there is an error coming as per the screenshot below but this issue is not there …Saptarshi K 39 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Manage Requisition Option is missing in the new SSP pageSummary: The manage requisition option is not available in the new SSP page, our business wants this option to search on the requisition submitted by others users/reques…
Redwood RSSP- Cant see DFF under Additional InformationSummary: We are facing an issue on the Redwood RSSP create_noncatalog_request page. We have customized the page using VB but cant see the DFF's under Additional Informat…SoumyadipBasak251 101 views 15 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
About this record is not available in the redwood responsive self service procurementSummary: About this record is not available in the redwood responsive self service procurement , will there be a future release for this? Content (please ensure you mask…
In either Classic SSP or RSSP is it possible to restrict Enter Requisition Line Source TypeSummary: In our organization, we auto approve requisitions under a certain dollar amount. We have users who are entering a low value dollar amount of a supplier's item b…
Why can't I change the suggested buyer from my smartform?Summary: I am looking to change the suggested buyer, but I only have the option when I use the Enter Requisition Line page. I do not have the same options when I go to e…Shannon Gruber 84 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP - Approvers page missing "FYI" stakeholdersSummary: RSSP - Approvers page missing "FYI" stakeholders Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Previously in Classic PR, the FYI co…
Is there a way to customize the search results in RSSP?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we search item in RSSP. it gives the results in large icons as shown in the screenshot below…Manoj_Jadhav 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Responsive Self Service Procurement application in Advanced ModeSummary: Support mentioned is Responsive Self Service Procurement application in Express mode only, when can we expect Advanced Mode Content (please ensure you mask any …Alexander Joseph 141 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Joseph Self Service Procurement
Ability to view Item DFF in RSSP while Catalog Item SearchHello, There are a few key information which are stored on Item DFF level in Product Information Management. This information is very critical for the requester to view …SumitSadhwani 48 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to hide the requisition line level DFF in the Responsive Self Service Procurement?Summary: There is a requirement to hide the 'Attribute Value' appearing under the 'Additional information' section at the line level on the Responsive SSP page. Content …Mashhood Alavi-Oracle 183 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Kalpana Patel Self Service Procurement