OM to AR algorithm
We have a use case where certain line of business needs separate context to transfer the date to AR. We current have one context mapped to existing AR context. We want to add one more context and map to AR where we are facing the problem.
Below is the error
01.01:<MESSAGE><NUMBER>DOO-2685513</NUMBER><TEXT>An error occurred: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: oracle.apps.scm.pricing.priceExecution.algorithms.publicQuery.exception.SetQueryException, msg=Failed to execute onEach Closure. Alias 'FulfillLineId' cannot be found on this Row # Algorithm Call Stack ----------------------- TransactionLineDff.region = OMCtoARC_Custom!=null?OMCtoARC_Custom.Region:null at Step 'Integrate OM to AR' at Algorithm: 'OM to AR Custom-4' # Algorithm Variable Stack --------------------------- Algorithm: 'OM to AR Custom-4' payload: VariableName:'ARIntegration' DateType:'commonj.sdo.DataObject' IOType:'InOut' value:'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <InvoiceService:InvoiceServiceType xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:InvoiceService="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="InvoiceService:InvoiceServiceType">