Chat routing not working properly
Hello! Looking for a little help in regards to chat routing. Running into a problem where chats are not being routed to the correct agents/queue - I feel like I have to be missing something obvious.
The issue is that when a customer requests a chat by selecting "Flow" as the designated product dropdown, instead of the chat being routed to a "Flow" chat agent, the customer is instead routed to a different queue (called "Process"). There are agents signed into the Flow queue - all waiting, with no chats.
In the "Flow" profile, I've activated the chat permissions (The items checked are 'Chat', 'Conference/Transfer', 'Allow Decline', '**** max active chats', 'set delay between chats' - these match all our other profiles). Pull policy is set to strict priority. The only queue selected for this profile is Flow. I should also say that the 'Process' profile permissions do not have Flow as a queue option - only the Process queue.