The Intraclass PVO returns a null conversion rate despite valid setups in front-end and back-end.
We have written a Groovy script to perform calculations based on the ordered quantity in a sales order and the conversion rate from the Manage Units of Measure for Intraclass Conversion setup.
For example, if the intraclass conversion setup provides a conversion rate of 50 for an item, and the ordered quantity is 500, the calculation would be as follows: 500 (Ordered Quantity) ÷ 50 (Conversion Rate) = 10 Pallets.
In this case, 1 Pallet equals 50 Cases.
However, we are encountering an issue where, if the conversion rate is null, an expected error occurs since the calculation cannot proceed without a value. The problem is that, although the item has a valid conversion rate in both the front-end and back-end setups, the Groovy PVO is returning a null value for the conversion rate. We are unsure why it’s