Order Management Analytics
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Displaying EFF based on Order TypeSummary: Here is my business case Order Type1 EFF defined for Order Type 1 is EFF_A and EFF_B Order Type 2 EFF defined for Order Type 2 is EFF_C When user will query Ord…
Shipping ToleranceSummary Shipping ToleranceContent Is shipping tolerance in OM on the line level available in Fusion? or will it be available in Fusion Future Releases Version Oracle Fus…
Default the Order Type based on the Sales ChannelWe need to default the Order Type based on the Sales Channel when creating Return Orders using Order Management Extensions. I have the following query to default based o…
Table Name for Order Pretransformation RulesSummary: Content (required): What is the Table that the the data related to "Pretransformation Rules for Sales Orders" or "Pretransformation Defaulting Rules" is stored?…
In Global Order Promising the Demand Line Count over Time graph is showing 0 count.In Global Order Promising worka area the Demand Line Count over Time graph is showing zero value for a month. 1.How to validate this data in application or report level.…
Unable to open old Sales Orders in Redwood UIWe have been testing the Redwood OM features. We observed that old orders which were cloned from Production are not opening in the Redwood UI. However when we search for…
Manage Order Screen is not listing all columns to ViewSummary: Hi Team, We could able to see only certain columns for display in the Manage Orders screen while querying for an order . As per our requirement ,we might need t…
Does BICC PVO allow Order Management EFF's to be extract?Summary: I have seen documentation that release 23A that BICC now has more functionality to export PVO's with EFF information. Is it possible to do this with OM EFF's? C…
How to send OM EFF info to AR Header DFFSummary: Hi Team, We are doing a setup to send OM EFF info to AR header DFF. Followed the docs and did all setups without any issue. But unable to send the info to OM EF…
How to accommodate quantity-based attributes in one sales order line?Summary: How to accommodate quantity-based attributes in one sales order line. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi team, We are creating sa…
Sales Order Approval should be sent to Approver who is entered on Sales Order header EFF.Summary: In our implementation, every Sales Order will have a requestor which will be entered in a EFF at Order Header level. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Sales order line status is not getting considered through groovy extensionsHi All, We have a requirement to validate that all lines within a sales order share the same warehouse. If different lines are assigned to different warehouses, the scri…John Peter Noble-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Peter Noble-Oracle Order Management
How to add negative price on Unreferenced RMA Order lineSummary: Got to know that current pricing functionality does not support Returns Price Lists. Could you please advise how to introduce negative pricing on order lines fo…
Is there a REST API/SOAP service use to Cancel Sales Order header statusSummary: Client want to cancel bulk Sales Order numbers submitted for processing as they no longer want to process the sales order anymore Content (required):We have so …
Sales order line EFF value is getting disappeared after cancelling the lines.Hi All, We have line-level EFF fields, Reason Code1 and Reason Code2, in the sales order lines with predefined list of values that need to be selected when changing the …John Peter Noble-Oracle 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Peter Noble-Oracle Order Management
What is maximum number of EFF can be created in Sales Order Header and Line with good performance?Hi Team, What is recommended number of Header and Line EFF in sales order so that it does not impact performance during Sales order Creation and processing?. We are impo…
FOBs not appearing in LOV of sales order while creating Sales orderSummary: Hi All, FOBs are defined in Manage FOB lookup but we are not able to see all FOB list in LOV of Sales order UI while creating order. Any leads will be appreciat…Ravi Shankar Kumar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alice Mazodier-Oracle Order Management
RMA WITHOUT CREDIT MEMO| Return sale order without credit memoA requirement has come from client as follows: No need of credit memo creation while performing RMA transaction. so, i have followed an article provided by the oracle on…
Order discount if order meets minimum quantities requirementUse Case: - Customer places an order for item 'ABC' for different delivery dates. - Multiple order lines are added for the same item 'ABC' with different delivery dates.…
Invoking Integration from OM extensionSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement to update the CancelBackorders Flag and EnforceSingleShipment Flag using the OM extension, but we are encountering an error st…
Orchestration Pause to send all the sales order lines together for invoicingSummary: We have a requirement where all sales order lines Shippable/ Non Shippable should pause until all the lines are processed and should go to AR Invoicing together…
Need PVO to fetch Order Fulfill EFF values.Summary: Hi Team, We need to retrieve the order prior revision fulfillment line eff values. We've used a PVO to achieve this, but it's not returning any data and only ha…
Requested date and order creation date both are sameSummary: Hello Experts, One of customer facing issue with sales order creation date and Requested ship date both are same. For example if create the order 19-12-24 reque…Shravan V-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Order Management
Getting Error Order management can't run process instance 300001340280525 for sales order.Summary: Hi Team, Business created a order and order having an error with "Order management can't run process instance 300001340280525 for sales order . (DOO-2685208) De…nithish_reddy_10 227 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Abhijeet Khadikar-Oracle Order Management
Compensation pattern in order orchestration in oracle cloudSummary Compensation pattern in order orchestration in oracle cloudContent Can someone share the ref document & business usecase for compensation pattern in order orches…
what is the maximum limit of records we can have in price adjustment matrixWe have a requirement to have pricing at item category level and since out of box functionality do not support this. So to meet the requirement we have performed below s…
While im creating a analysis report, when i add the invoice number it duplicates the rowSummary: Im creating a report in analysis when basics fields like Order, source order, customer, item and basic of the order line everything fine. But when i add the inv…
Search Return Sales Order Using Original Sales Order NumberSummary: Dears, I want to Search Return Sales Order Using Original Sales Order Number IIs there is anyway to use Manage order screen or any other place to search for ret…Mohammad Hussein 22 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sivabalanarayanan-Enphase Order Management
Query to get sales order line level revision detailsSummary: Query to get sales order line level revision details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Query to get sales order line level revision…
Is there any standard functionality in Fusion to send multiple EDI 855 PO acks for a single orderSummary: Is there any standard Oracle functionality in Fusion to send multiple EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement for a single Sales order? Content (please ensure yo…