Order Management Analytics
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Sales order acknowledgment report mapping issueHi Team, We were trying to include Customer Item number, Requested Arrival date, shipping instructions in the standard sales order report. Since those fields are not ava…
Table Name for Order Pretransformation RulesSummary: Content (required): What is the Table that the the data related to "Pretransformation Rules for Sales Orders" or "Pretransformation Defaulting Rules" is stored?…Ahmed Saeed-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to restrict automatic reservation of work order supply created from B2B sales order ?Hi, We have implemented Back to Back Make type Sales Order, where once the Sales Order is booked, Work Order is created automatically. After Work Order creation, automat…
Line Status supply Request CompleteSummary Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Complete"Content Dear, Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Comp…
Order to Cash infolets are different in different instancesSummary: Order to Cash infolets are different in different instances Content (required): We have compared Order to Cash infolets between two different ins tances and not…
Trying to default Selling Profit center BU on SO line using pre transformation rules but could not fSummary Trying to default Selling Profit center BU on SO line using pre transformation rules but could not find right attributeContent Trying to default Selling Profit c…
How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand is not availableSummary: How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand is not available Content (required): How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand i…
Table check history of schedule ship date change in fulfillment line level for Sales OrderHi All, I have requirement to check if Schedule Ship Date is changed in fulfillment line level for Sales Order. We are not creating new revision while changing Schedule …vikram khengare 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to restrict Price Override option from Price adjustment LOV?Summary: Content (required): How do we restrict the Price Override option from Price adjustment LOV? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 23C Code…
If the customer type is Direct then derive pricing based on Order Date otherwise ship dateSummary: If the customer type is Direct then derive pricing based on Order Date otherwise ship date Content (required): If the customer type is Direct, then derive prici…
Any way we can track when the sales order report is shared via Email using Standard Functionality?Summary: Once the Sales Order is approved, SO report is shared with customer using Standard action of 'Create Document' from Sales order header by sending an email. Is t…
Split Sales Order Line automaticallySummary Is there a way to Split the Sales Order Line automatically based on Onhand Quantity availabilityContent Is there a way to Split the Sales Order Line automaticall…
How to setup Sales Order Line EFF for specific BUs?Summary: How to setup Sales Order Line EFF for specific BUs? Content (required): Use case: 1- Business has 16 BUs. 2- Sales Order Line EFF is required to be entered by o…
Does BICC PVO allow Order Management EFF's to be extract?Summary: I have seen documentation that release 23A that BICC now has more functionality to export PVO's with EFF information. Is it possible to do this with OM EFF's? C…
How do we trace Sales order number that is null but have an item reserved against it on ReservationSummary: Client is currently having an issue knowing the sales order number that has an item reserved against it because the sales order number is displayed as null. Ple…
Is there an SQL query that can be use to see all Sales order status that is having ErrorSummary: Our Client requirement is to delete or clear all sales order status that is having error in the "Draft orders in Error" & "Orders in Error Infolet". Please see …
Is there a REST API used to unlock Sales order in DRAFT Status instead of doing it manuallySummary: A requirement is needed to unlock Sales Order in bulk is there any REST API used to unlock Sales Order and what field on the Sales Order is needed to be updated…
How do we trace Sales order number that is null but have an item reserved against it on ReservationSummary: Client is currently having an issue knowing the sales order number that has an item reserved against it because the sales order number is displayed as null. Ple…
How to find address, contact, party entities referred to in the BICC extract data stores ?Summary: We use the extract data stores to access SCM data (sales orders, fulfillment, shipments, etc.). In these tables there are many similar references to contact, ad…
Can we sort order line statuses using groovy in OM ExtensionSummary: Can we use groovy scripts to sort order lines based on the status? Closed/Canceled order lines should appear at the bottom of the UI. Content (required): Versio…
Table Mapping between EBS R12 and FusionSummary: Hi Is there any Table Mapping between EBS12 and Fusion? wsh_delivery_legs wsh_trip_stops wsh_trips wsh_carrier_services oe_hold_sources_all oe_order_holds_all o…Amulya Munnangi 521 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Inventory Management
See Onhand Quantity balance during Sales Order creation instead of seeing In-Stock as the on handSummary: Client is having issues processing sales order because they are unable to see the on hand qty balance.. Is it possible to see the real Onhand qty instead of see…
Need query to get the line level error message from the sales orderSummary: We have a business requirement to display the Error Message from the line level of the sales order in Fulfillment lines. We are getting error throw back end que…
Is there a REST API/SOAP service use to Cancel Sales Order header statusSummary: Client want to cancel bulk Sales Order numbers submitted for processing as they no longer want to process the sales order anymore Content (required):We have so …
Requirement for Pause reservation if the Order requested date is beyond 90 daysSummary: We have a requirement to create custom orchestration rule to pause reservation if the Order Schedule Ship date is beyond 90 days from the current date, and auto…
How to handle Cash/Walkin CustomersSummary: We have a requirement to accommodate a scenario for a Store. They have several Cash/Walkin Customer where Customer Comes to the shop Purchase the Required Produ…Abhishek Sinha 51 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sandeep Kurur-Oracle SCM Product Management-Oracle Order Management
In Check availability, we have item availability which is not refreshing and show all details in allSummary: In Check availability, we have item availability which is not refreshing and show all details in all Content (required): in availabilty tab i can see 3 options/…
Can we embed tableau report in OCC-ASP Parts ordering?We are planning to develop reports in tableau. We want to embed that report in ASP parts ordering Admin dashboard page. Please provide us corresponding references.
We are getting this error on sales order lineSummary: An error occurred: class oracle.jbo.AttrValException. Contact your help desk.JBO-27019: The get method for attribute "HeaderEffCategories" in HeaderTL cannot be…
Releasing Subscription Invoices earlySummary: We are using subscription item with recurring billing in order management Some customers would like to prepay/receive Invoices early. How can we release future …