Order Management Analytics
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Order In Shipped status in Manage Shipment Lines ScreenSummary Order in shipped status in Manage Shipment Lines Screen but has Closed Status in Order ManagementContent Hello All, We have one Order which is Closed in Order Ma…User_2025-02-05-12-20-44-163 64 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Shyam Patel Order Management
How to update/add Sales Order line EFFSummary: How to update/add Sales Order line EFF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi , As per the below document, we are trying to add EFF v…
Sales Orders Updated Through REST API not following Order Management ExtensionSummary: As per Oracle Standard functionality, Schedule ship date recalculates from the updated date on sales order whatsoever attribute might be changed. Business wants…
How to get the Pick Slip Number associated with Sales Order in Oracle Fusion?Hi, I have a requirement to write a query to get the Pick Slip Number associated with the Sales order. Is there any table in Oracle Fusion which stores the association o…
BIP Report - Full Scan on doo_headers_eff_bSummary: Hi Team We have defined index enabled EFFs on Sales Order header however the SQLs are not doing Index scan when using EFFs columns for data selection. On Furthe…bala_07-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Pause tasks need to be released automatically once stock is available for an item.There is an business requirement that pause task need release automatically once stock is available for an item or order lines. Thanks, Yuvaraj
How to get sales order number associated with a work order in Oracle Fusion?Hi, I have a requirement to write a query to get the work order number associated with the Sales order. Is there any table in Oracle Fusion which stores the association …
Export reservation data as excelSummary: Can we export the reservation related info from the Create Reservations screen as below ? HIghlighted red Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Clearing of Overridden Field in the Sales OrderThe Overridden field in the sales order line is enabled under multiple scenarios. When this Overridden field is enabled for multiple lines in the sales order , then any …
SQL to find Material Transaction for Dropship Sales OrderSummary: SQL to find Material Transaction for Dropship Sales Order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we are looking to get a SQL to find Mat…
How to enable the Date Increment Procedure for the Custom ESS jobSummary: There is a business requirement to schedule the custom ESS job for every week and the date needs to be an increment of 7 days in the argument parameter. As of n…Yuvaraj Meganathadu 234 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvaraj Meganathadu Supply Chain Orchestration
Audit log related to sales unit price and purchase unit priceSummary: For the audit report found under tools, which products have audit log related to sales unit price and purchase unit price? Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Calculate number of billing periods automaticallySummary: Can number of billing periods be calculated automatically? This will prevent manual errors resulting in incorrect revenue if not caught. For example, if we inpu…
Sales Order Line status get stuck in Cancellation PendingSummary: Hi Team, Sales order line status get stuck in cancellation pending. What could be the reason? Followed the Docs: FA: SCM: OM: Sales Order Lines Stuck In Cancell…
In order management old and updated data needed in OTBI in separate lines.Summary: When we create a sales order due to some issues if we cancel the sales order, we are able to see the updated data of the sales order in the OTBI report. The req…
Is it possible to create a WO in unreleased status when it is created against SOSummary We have a scenario where for every Sales order a WO is created in released status automatically without manual interventionContent We have a scenario where for e…
Schedule Ship date should exclude Weekends and Public HolidaysSummary: We have to business requirement to exclude the SSD from Weekends and Public holidays. For this we did the following- We already have a 7 day workday pattern, an…
Payment Term Relationship by Product Family and Customer Account Order ManagementBe able to store the relationship between customer account and payment term according to the family/category or item. Example Product Family 1 Account 1000 - Payment Ter…Valentina Talani-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Facing an Error when changing the ware house in the Order Fulfillment Lines. How to resolve this?Selected shipping method is not available. Already added the required Inventory org to the Shipment method. Still error is populating. How to solve this?
Need to add the additional (Partially shipped) status in Header Status in OMSummary: There is a business requirement to add the Partially shipped additional status to header status. If sales order lines are shipped partially, then Partially ship…
Restrict System to Fall Schedule Shipdate on Weekends and HolidaysSummary: We have a requirement from business to make the system in such a way that Schedule shipdates do not fall on Weekends and Holidays based on Order Types. Eg. For …
Is there any way to show all UOM in Sales Order when adding an Item?Summary: When create PO, PR and other transactions, the UOM dropdown list contains all created UOM Is there any way to do the same in Sales Order when adding an Item? Co…
Sales Order on HoldSummary: When submitting the sales order, it goes to hold because of Credit check The error shown is: New Credit case folder was created. Hope to know the reason for the…Mohammad Hussein 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
what are the sql table names for order Management Groovy Extensions?Hi All, I'm working on Order Management Extensions Groovy and I wanted to know the backend SQL table names where this groovy scripts will be stored and I wanted to know …John Peter Noble-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Peter Noble-Oracle Order Management
Webservice for ATP CalculationSummary: Hello team Could you please advise if there is a webservice for ATP Calculation in GOP. We have seen that during creation and revision of orders, ATP is calcula…
How to include LOV of "Hold Name" in "Manage Fulfilment Lines" in Order ManagementSummary: In Manage Fulfiment Lines, we need to search orders based on Particular Hold names, just like we have in "Manage Orders" page. Here we only have On Hold , which…
what is the PVO for msc_xref_mapping table in Oracle fusion?Hi All, I have been working on Order Management Groovy Extensions and Currently I have a requirement to build the logic and for that I would need the PVO for this table …John Peter Noble-Oracle 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Peter Noble-Oracle Order Management
Ship-to addressSummary: Hi Experts, Please let me know how the Ship-to address is derived at the Sales Order header level. The navigation for the field: Sales Order Header→ Ship-to Cus…
Restrict order revision attributes to few usersSummary: Business requirement is - During Sales order revision, particular group of users should have access to update all attributes, while another group should have ac…
How to make a customized Pricing Administrator Role that will only have access on Pricing StrategySummary: Would it be possible to make a customized Pricing Administrator role that would only grant access to the Pricing Strategies section of the Pricing Administrator…