How to auto pick up BPA price in enter requisition line for RSSP
I created BPA for the item
when I create requisition in [enter requisition line] using classic UI, system will pick up BPA and create PO after run generate orders,
but in RSSP, this requisition will appeare in [process requisition line] so I need to manully select BPA and create PO
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
1.BPA created with price 10 USD
2.create requsition in [enter requisition line] using classic UI, mannuly input price as 100USD(different with BPA price)
3.submit PR and approve PR [Generate]
5.PO created with price 10 USD
1.BPA created with price 10 USD
2.create requsition in [enter requisition line] using RSSP, mannuly input price as 100USD(different with BPA price)