OCI Migration Prep - Domain Branding [2025 OCI Migration]
Domain Branding with Akamai
Learn more about Responsys' Move to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Oracle Responsys uses Akamai as our networking partner for DNS and HTTP/HTTPS routing for our Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) deployments. Whether as a result of Oracle DYN's Shutdown or as part of the required OCI migration preparation, you will need to acquire a new SSL certificate based on Akamai's environment and re-delegate your branded domains/sub-domains to Akamai's DNS name severs.
For most accounts, this process of switching to Akamai for your Domain Branding is very similar to your original Domain Branding efforts. Our in-application guidance panels will facilitate your efforts for both the SSL Certificate process and the domain delegation process through a three-step process.