Please ignore - Why are knowledge articles created in classic are not showing in redwood ui?
Please ignore - I can see that I've created this in the wrong area but I can't see any option to change the product or delete the question
We have implemented redwood knowledge and articles created in classic are not showing in redwood my knowledge page, only new articles created in redwood ui are showing
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I have enabled redwood knowledge in one of our dev pods. None of the knowledge articles that were created in ‘classic’ knowledge can be accessed from the redwood My Knowledge page. There are a few ‘classic’ articles showing in the Browse Popular Articles section of the My Help page and these can be accessed by clicking on them. If you search for any of the ‘classic’ articles on the My Help page they do not show. Any new articles created in ‘redwood’ do show correctly. I can access all the 'classic' articles from the My Authoring page ok. I have