Import Sales Order: Subprocess always completes in error on the first run.
We import sales orders from 06:00 to 19:30 but we are noticing that the first run of the Import Sales Orders some of the the sub processes are erroring with the following error:
####[2025-01-20T06:16:14.516+00:00] [INFO] Order management did not import source order 33304X/2U-02 because of the following error: Sales order OPS:5456588 failed order creation. The following error occurred: Order management can't process your sales order: . Make sure the Publish Extensible Flexfield Attributes scheduled process finished successfully, then submit your sales order...
Number of orders that were imported: 0. Check the run time user interface for processing status.
Number of orders that did not pass validation: 1. Some of these orders may be available in the order entry user interface.