Not able to receive a password reset email after changing primary email address
I recently changed my email from to A week later, I attempted to sign in and forgot my password. Clicking forgot password, I am not receiving password reset emails. I contacted support, and they also attempted to send this email, but I have not received any in my primary inbox nor in my spam.
I was directed to post to here. This is the chat log:
Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):
Okay I have sent you a mail to reset your password upon which you will be able to sign in success fullySinceyou are unable to receive any mails to reset password I request you toreach out to our forum support usingthe link mentioned down below, and this issue/query will be taken careof since chat support does not have the access to customer's cloudenvironment which are in their free tier account to work on this issue.Note: You firstly have to create your separate account in the Forums(not a new cloud account) to be able to post your query there.The account in