Distance Enquiry gives different result in OTM vs Carrier
We are using the default OTM functionality of doing the distance inquiry between two locations and the results fetched are showing different results. We have not made any modifications to it.
Rate Service ID | Rate Distance ID | OTM Distance | Carrier Distance |
XYZ | HERE_LAT_LONG | 1,450.03MI | 1668 MI |
XYZ | HERE_RATE _DISTANCE | 1,450.03MI | 1668 MI |
XYZ | LOOKUP ELSE ESTIMATE | 1,740.04MI | 1668 MI |
XYZ | ESTIMATE | 1,740.04MI | 1668 MI |
Postal Code: 61761 to 78439
What can be the potential reason for this gap? Any suggestions in this regard, would be highly appreciated.