Discussion List
How to select the most expensive rate in OTM?Summary: Tariff with the highest cost not selected Hi, I am trying to do a scenario where I have 3 orders in 1 shipment, where the rate record has 3 cost lines with cert…
Can Capacity Limits work together with Commitment AllocationsSummary: Hello All, We have a commitment allocation whose period is Monthly, we updated the allocation usage for February-25 with the following allocation percentages by…Shirin Pathak 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Unable to access RIQ screenSummary: I have created a user in the domain for ex: 'ABC' and assigned the default user role as 'ADMIN.' After opening the RIQ screen, I am getting the following error:…DataWhiz 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Link Between Order Base and GTM TransactionNeed to make link using data association type between order base and gtm transaction to be used in automation agent as some data need to be inserted in gtm transaction o…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 46 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by AkshayThakur Transportation Management
Commitment allocation not working as expectedDear All, I am working on a scenario where shipments need to be allocated to carriers for the same lane in equal proportions. For example, if there are 3 carriers for a …
Bad data encodingSummary: I have bad encoding while exporting in data written in Arabic Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I get bad encoding while exporting …A7med.Mo7med 18 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Screen set smart link via Internal urlSummary: I have custom order release screen set i want to navigate to when the user use smart link from my also custom order base screenset I don't know what to write he…A7med.Mo7med 14 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
xml stylesheet contentSummary: Problem with xslt syntax Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): hello i am trying to set a condition if the one of the order base ship u…
Copy Refnum from OB Line to OBSummary: Need to Make Schedule Process that runs every 10 min to copy refnum from order base line to order base Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 19 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by AkshayThakur Transportation Management
Duplicate CostI managed to make 2 automation agents 1-To adjust shipment ship unit net weight to be as same as attribute 11 in shipment using DSU 2-Agent using Recalculate Cost at eve…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 41 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Mail Subject CustomizationSummary: I want to Customize the Order Base Mail Subject According to OrderBase Xid and Order_base_status Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …A7med.Mo7med 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
VPD Profile not working as expectedI have written below predicate so that orders meant for specific Divsion are visible to certian people. (Order Release) (exists (select 'x' from user_association where u…Mrugen Sunil Munshi 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by AkshayThakur Transportation Management
CO2 emissions calculation in shipmentSummary: Hi, Several clients have asked us about how to manage CO2 emissions from transportation in OTM. We have noticed that the information available in OTM is at the …Pablo Moreno 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Kalidindi-Oracle Transportation Management
glog.query.asDateColumns PropertySummary: I want to set the column CAR_INTERCHANGE_ETI_DATE of the table IE_SHIPMENTSTATUS as Date Only in the Screenset. Business has requested that they want to hide th…
Create a Stop for Executed ShipmentsHi all, we have a particular situation where, after a shipment is started (so the tender has been accepted and we also received events from Service Providers), it is nee…DiegoL 21 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
OTM Attribute Default ValueHow to type default value in OTM to be showed in shipment layout ? I managed to create attribute 5 and typed in default value 0, but didn't show in shipment layout and s…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
SUPPORT DKIM ROTATION optional feature| How to create the second DKIM in OTM?Summary: We have opted out of SUPPORT DKIM ROTATION optional feature & would like to turn that ON. Today, we have one DKIM set up already and in use since April 2023. We…
How to connect GPS to Track Power Units in OTMSummary: Migration From Wiallon to OTM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using Wiallon to Track my Power Units and i want to Migrate fr…
Match Power Unit with Shipment Tracking EventI managed to make tracking event on power unit without shipment ID (Power unit isn't assigned to shipment yet). When I Assign the power unit on the shipment, is there an…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by AkshayThakur Transportation Management
Accessorial Default calculated twice with Rate FactorSummary: The customer wants to calculate fuel surcharge with Accessorial Defaults and updating this with Rate Factor, we successfully configured both Accessorials on Rat…
Restriction to be setup for heavy vehicles based on a specific time window.Summary: How to configure a restriction based on timings for a heavy vehicle? Content (required): I have a business requirement where there is a need to put a restrictio…Minu MJ -OTM 31 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
Auto Create Buy ShipmentNeed to Auto Create Buy Shipment once order release is created based on certain order type and suppose that it has valid rate record. I managed to create automation agen…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
VPD: External Predicate have length limits?Summary: We need to configure an External Predicate in custom VPD Profile for INVOICE table. Once the VPD is configured, if we access the screenset in the desired User R…
OTM access for non employee usersSummary: Customer has enabled SSO. Non Employee users (Carriers and Truck Drivers) are not part of the Active Directory. All external service providers (Carriers) will l…
Validation to prevent Assign Driver to More than One ShipmentNeed to make Action Check to prevent Assign Driver to more than one shipment except for a certain condition. I managed to write the Condition in SQL and Tested it extern…Tag Ahmed Elsharkawy 63 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by AkshayThakur Transportation Management
Purge custom periodSummary: Hi, The client needs to retain the OTM data since the last 5 years ago. We have check the functionality and its seems OTM is not flexible in this aspect and it'…
Saved Query Time-Out in Enhanced WorkbenchSummary: We are utilizing saved queries in the enhanced workbenches, and there are a couple of them that often timeout in the enhanced workbench but when those same quer…Adam Cloues 41 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
OTM is so slowSummary: I am facing slow performance while using my OTM cloud instance. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to figure out what is caus…A7med.Mo7med 69 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Nilesh Kumar Mal-Oracle Transportation Management
How to integrate Oracle Enterprise Performance Management with OTMSummary: How to integrate Oracle Enterprise Performance Management with OTM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What are the allowed mechanism…
XSL path for shipmentxidSummary: I have created a custom action on shipment which will trigger a notification to Super user to review the shipment. I have created a stylesheet but shipment id i…