Message scenario to update a field while moving an activity
Dear Experts,
I am facing an issue when I am trying to update a field in OFSC through message scenario while moving it.
Now following are the scenarios for moving an activity:
1> Activity can be moved from Tech1 to Tech 2
2> Activity can be moved from Bucket 1 to Bucket 2
3> Activity can be moved form Technician to Bucket
4> Activity can be moved from Bucket to technician
Requirement :
If the activity is on the Bucket that field should be populated with value 20 (after moving)
If the activity is on the resource then the field should be populated with value 21 (after moving)
I have used various blocking condition but none seems to be covering all the scenarios. I have used Resource type as blocking condition to set the field values as 20 in case of Bucket and 21 in case of Technician but the challenge is, the blocking condition takes Resource Type condition for the source and not for destination. For example If I am Moving the Resource from Tech1 to Tech2 or Tech 1 to Bucket the field is updated with same value.