Unable to update the Status of Message Sent from OFSC to Accelerator
Hi Gurus,
We are currently working on integration of OFSC to Service Cloud .
We are using accelerator as middleware and are using simple workflow (mentioned in OFSC doc . Outbound API sdk)for updating the message back to OFSC .
After the message is being created in OFSC it is successfully being sent to Service Cloud .
The Problem which we are facing is that multiple messages are being created in Service Cloud for a single message from OFSC .
The Probable reason could be that that OFSC is not receiving any response from Service Cloud .
We tried updating the message in OFSC through SOAP UI but it is displaying the error code "NOT FOUND" , Although message has been created in OFSC . We have attached a screenshot for your reference , Kindly take a look at it and let us know what could be the possible cause of this issue .