Issue with adding private note to the incident
Hi Team ,
I need to add a text to the private note area of the incident. When the incident is getting updated.
I have figured out the coding part to make it work but not getting the exact result that I need.
Please find below the code :
Service cloudCode Snippet
<? /* * CPMObjectEventHandler: privateNote * Package: RN * Objects: Incident * Actions: Update * Version: 1.2 */ use \RightNow\Connect\v1_2 as RNCPHP; use \RightNow\CPM\v1 as RNCPM; class privateNote implements RNCPM\ObjectEventHandler { public static function apply( $run_mode, $action, $incident, $cycle ) { if ($cycle !== 0) return; if (RNCPM\ActionUpdate == $action) { $incident->Notes = new RNCPHP\NoteArray(); $incident->Notes[0] = new RNCPHP\Note();