Calc Manager
Discussion List
@COUNT WITH SKIPNONE AND @XRANGE unexpected behaviourHello everyone, I am using the @COUNT to calculate the count for the number of months from Jun-FY22 to Sep-F23 : OFS_Calculated= @COUNT(skipnone, @XRANGE( FY22->Jun,FY23…
The dependence in the calculationHello everyone, I have one question about the dependence on the business rule. In the FIX statement, I fix 3 years FY26 vs FY27, FY28. FIX(FY26,FY27,FY28) OFS_Calculated…
Top Down/ Bottomup calculation question in business ruleSummary: Hi Experts, Recently, there was a discussion about the SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON command, which should enforce bottom-up calculation even for complex formulas, such a…
Tp-EndDate is acting like Tp-Date and is breaking our Start Date calculationsSummary: After numerous tests, I can prove that the TP-EndDate member, though when retrieved is one value...when it is in IF statements it is another value Content (requ…
Conditional Groovy in a form comparing two accountsHello experts!! I have a requeriment to do, I have this form: And with Groovy I should get a validation in BALANCE row. My requeriment is if BALANCE is equal to C1290_CA…
Calculation of percentile / quantileSummary: How to calculate percentiles / quantiles in EPM Planning BSO without considering #Missing Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In my c…
Unable to run a ruleset from RulesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to run a ruleset from Rules in the Tools section of Navigator (screenshot 1 below). Ho…
groovy script syntax , getdata but for string ?when performing a data cell interator. One of my account is of type String (Text). how to i get this cell value ?? the getdata method seems to only return integers. If i…
Dynamic Substring Function - Essbase Equivalent of FIND/SEARCH Function from ExcelSummary: We have a need to perform dynamic member name lookups with member names that are varying lengths (something outside of our control as they come from a source sy…
Non-Groovy: Transfer of Member into Smart Lists created from MembersHello everyone, I have a smart list called TransactionCompany created by @ILvl0Descendants(TransactionCompany) member. And I have a dimension called "Company". Now, I wa…
Need help for block creation issue in business rule for Hybrid BSOSummary: Can anyone help us for block creation. Other than below 4 options do we use any other set command or function to create block for hybrid BSO cube. So that Block…
summing does not occur as expectedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi I need to get the sum of all the level 0 accounts, level 0 cost centers, where a member is tag…
Issue while running business rule - An error occurred while running the specified calc scriptSummary: Issue while running business rule - An error occurred while running the specified calc script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We …
EPM Rulescript - DataCopy FunctionHello, I have a rulescript that copies a version to another version for our Budgeting Process which first sits in "Department Requested" tab and changes the status of th…
SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ does not open the blockHello everyone, I wrote a business rule with SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ to open the block. But it showed strange behavior. I fix from FY25 to FY28, BUT it did not open the bloc…
Getting Error while using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("xyz")]]Summary: we are using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Scenario")]] and [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Version")]] in business rule, we have user varia…
Assign UDA Using GroovyHello everyone, I want to update the UDA of a member list based on the smartlist selection. Ideally, the calc would create the grid, read the value, and assign the UDAs.…
How to get the first member of a substitution variable?Hello everyone, I am trying to get the first member of a substitution variables. I created a substitution variable called "YearRange" and set it is "FY24:FY28": So my qu…
How to use Datacopy in If statement?: EPM Buisiness ruleI wrote a buisiness rule which copy data from a version to another version. In the rule, I want to use 'Datacopy' in 'If' statement but the following error is displayed.…
Changing background color to cell in data froms using GroovySummary: Requirement to change the background color for a data cell based on certain condition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We n…
Ruleset variable questionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Got a question about Ruleset variables. I have ruleset_1 with 2 rules which have common RTP o…
Ruleset parallel execution issueSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I got a weird issue when running a ruleset with parallel execution enabled, and want to seek …
Calculation for Employee that Terms Mid-MonthSummary: In our Workforce cube/module, is it possible to calculate partial month data for an employee that terms mid-month Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Error When Saving DataGrid in Production - "An error occurred while processing this page"Hi Folks, I have encountered an issue when calling the saveGrid() method to save a DataGrid in the production environment, which works fine in the cloned environment. He…
info about calculation manger related to latest feb release.with February release the web interface of Oracle will change a lot! in particular Calculation Manager is accessible from “rule” tab. From our knowledge users should not…
Using Groovy to update a member property for Storage, individual cube properties aren't updatingSummary: A Groovy script that builds a map to create a member in a hierarchy is not properly updating member properties Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Account in @REMOVE is being ClearedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I use the below business rule to clear expense accounts before loading a new employee roster and …
(Please ignore the post) Calc Mgr error validating @ISMBR functionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Just in a sudden, a business rule that previously validated and deployed successfully now got…
Business rule assignment to the planning formsWas there any easy way to search business rule and assign to the planning forms , Currently i am scrolling down through the 100's of rules to find a business rule and as…
Can you create folders in calculation manager?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In our calculation manager, we have a lot of custom rules that were created during implementation…