Financial Planning
Discussion List
What's New in 21.02?Summary We kick-off the new year in style!Content Faithful followers may have noticed I skipped the 21.01 update last month. The January update tends to be lighter given…
What's New in 21.03?Summary A really big Enhancement!Content Well, to say I'm excited to share this post may be an understatement and I believe you may very well share my excitement! In fac…
Aggregation issue with dynamic calc membersContent Hi Im experiencing an aggregation issue with dyanamic calc members where at the total product level, it picks the wrong agg value/summation. When i delete the ca…
Aggregation Calculated IncorrectlyContent Hi When i run the aggregation rule at total branch level and product level, it is calculating incorrectly. It should be calculated as 47000, where as it is showi…
Idea Lab - New Idea Raised to include search field in Business Rules HomepageSummary Idea Lab - New Idea Raised to include search field in Business Rules HomepageContent Hi Friends - I have raised an idea in the Idea Lab to include a search field…
Issue in adding child and Sibling members to predefined account structureSummary Issue in adding child and Sibling members to predefined account structureContent Hi All, In my financial application we are trying to add our own accounts to the…
Essbase Function is needed for the mentioned scenario.Content Hi I need a small help with the following scenario. Following is a simple formula which needs to be calculated. "Treasury investment income 2" = "Treasury bill r…
Security in HFRContent Hi, Can I remove security from all the folders and sub-folders of HFR? We have too many folders and sub-folders and I have to remove the security from each folde…
Clone SnapshotContent Hi, I am getting the below error while using the latest clone snapshot feature, anyone has an idea about it then please let me know. "Validating target service e…
Data Load from NetSuite to PBCS using Data ManagementSummary Assistance in rectifying the following error -> ERROR [AIF]: Cannot find saved search with IDContent Good Day, I am trying to load actuals from Netsuite into PBC…
Fill Forecast with remaining BudgetSummary Forecast periods should be pre-filled evenly with the remaining Budget (YearTotal Budget - Actual)Content Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a business rule to aco…
Unable to edit the OOB artifacts like smartlist, Valid intersection, Action Menu etc.,Summary Unable to edit the OOB artifacts like smartlist, Valid intersection, Action Menu etc.,Content Hi, We are trying to edit the OOB artifacts like smartlist, Valid i…
New UpdateSummary There are a lot of new functionality how does existing PBCS customers will get the new versionContent Hi we are a PBCS customer and I saw that with feburary rele…
Adding conditions to Workforce -> Financials integrationContent Hi, I am using the pre-built workforce and financials modules. Regarding the integration, I have a customer requirement that employees of certain cost centers ne…
Certain Dirty cells in Smartview Adhoc sheet are still dark yellow after data submissionContent Situation – User is submitting data to the Essbase database using Smartview Adhoc sheet. Some of the cells are still dark yellow, even after the data is submitte…
Limit of member creation in dimension tagged as time (Dimension: Period)Summary Limit of member creation in dimension tagged as time (Dimension: Period)Content Hello all, We are unable to create more than 500 members in the Period dimension …Sebastian Tofano-Oracle 65 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
Hybrid BSO - Webform threshold limitContent We just converted to a BSO Hybrid database in EPBCS and ran into an error refreshing the database suggesting that we have more webforms than allowed in the defin…
EPM – Overview of New Budget Revision Feature in Cloud EPM Planning Modules, 10 March 2021, 10 a.m PContent Submit your questions for the EPM – Overview of New Budget Revision Feature in Cloud EPM Planning Modules session to have them answered during the live event. Po…
Adding new Financial Accounts to map Workforce Planning componentsContent Hi Experts, In the Benefits & Taxes Wizard there is a drop-down to select the Financial Account (used to map the Workforce Planning compensation expenses to the …
Deleting Shared members in Financials ModuleContent Hi. We don't need these shared members, instead we would be creating the GL codes which exist in ERP. Though the application allows us to delete these members we…
Advise needed to compose Member Formula driver base expense accountSummary formula advise needed for a target parent level member multiplied by a level 0 working memberContent Hi I'm having difficulty composing a member formula for driv…
Calculation script not validating for the followingContent Hi I need to do the following change to my rules, but the rule is not validating. Any other way to do without Fixing every product? This is my original rule "518…
DB refresh fails after adding member using Simplified dimension editorSummary DB refresh fails using Simplified dimension editorContent Dear All, Any idea on EPBCS behavior as described below: -> Addition of member in Version dimension fai…
ERP / EPM – Closed Loop Project Planning and Execution with Oracle EPM Project Planning and Oracle EContent Submit your questions for the EPM – Closed Loop Project Planning and Execution with Oracle EPM Project Planning and Oracle ERP Project Management session to have…
OOTB features for EPBCS Financials to support Bottom up PlanningSummary Resources to understand Bottom up/Target planningContent Dear All, Is there any document/video tutorial etc. to understand how OOTB works for Bottom up/Target pl…
Addition of new member in Scenario dimension - EPBCS FinancialsSummary Please advice on new scenario member setup in Financial module of EPBCSContent Dear all, In a Financials module of EPBCS, requirement is to add new scenario memb…