Calculation script not validating for the following
I need to do the following change to my rules, but the rule is not validating. Any other way to do without Fixing every product?
This is my original rule
"5180501" = -(@sum(("Interest" ->"Calculated_N"->"14104"),("Early termination income"->"OFS_Calculated"->"14104")));
"5180506" = -(@sum(("Interest" ->"Calculated_N"->"15101"),("Early termination income"->"OFS_Calculated"->"15101")));
"5181001" = -(@sum(("Interest" ->"Calculated_N"->"17101"),("Early termination income"->"OFS_Calculated"->"17101")));
Now i need to fix the product in front of the gl account. as follows
"5180501"->"14104" = -(@sum(("Interest" ->"Calculated_N"->"14104"),("Early termination income"->"OFS_Calculated"->"14104")));