Supplier Profile Management
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in supplier regisrtration page i want to embed vbcs page but fusion doesnt not create a supplier idSummary: Hi Experts in supplier registration page i want to add vbcs extension page but fusion doesn't not create a supplier id before supplier is successfully created. …mudassirsOrc-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by mudassirsOrc-Oracle Supplier Management
How to use finder query parameter in REST api for suppliersSummary: Hi Experts I want to use this finder query parameter in the suppliers REST API as shown in below docs but i do not know the syntax to use to find with supplier …
Supplier portal - Can parent/child suppliers be accessed with one user account?Content We have suppliers that would like to use supplier portal that have Parent/Child suppliers in our system. Is it possible to access all of the suppliers in the par…User_2025-02-06-06-53-48-161 90 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manjita Supplier Management
Automatically update bank account number when IBAN number is changedContent (required): Hi all, I have an issue I need to understand the logic behind. I have enabled internal supplier bank account changes approval on our test environment…Daniel Lundsteen Minke 180 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by SOUMYA PRIYA CHOWDHURY Supplier Management
Tax Registration NumberSummary: Does anyone know the corresponding BI Publisher Column for the field titled Registration Number? And would someone please tell me how to find it? The column's l…
How to control Tax classification code LOV at supplier profile level.Summary: We wants to see only the supplier tax code in tax classification LOV at the supplier profile level. Currently, it will show all tax codes in LOV. Content (pleas…
How to Integrate Sales Accounts with PayablesHello Team, we have a requirement to integrate sales accounts with oracle payables to generate invoices and do the payments. could you please let us know the process/ co…
How to make Supplier bank account attachment as non mandotorySummary: We had enabled the 23D feature - ATTACH DOCUMENTS TO SUPPLIER BANK ACCOUNTS, after that attachment icon was appeared in the supplier bank account page as mandat…
Approval Workflow for Tax Reg Num change in Suppliers profileSummary: Client is looking for triggering approval workflow when there is a internal change in Tax Registration number on supplier profile Content (please ensure you mas…
Assignment of sites in the supplier registry.Is there a possibility that during a supplier's registration they can indicate the business unit in which the site will be created? Currently it can only be indicated th…
Table details to check supplier site Match Approval levelHi Team, I am looking for the table and column details for the Match Approval level at supplier site details tab. Please find the below screenshot for the same highlight…
Supplier Changes when audit is not enableSummary: How to check for supplier profile changes when audit is not enable? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version …Najumah Bibi Kurmally 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Supplier Management
UAE supplier Trade Licence NumberSummary: our customer in UAE need to add the below two fields while external registering supplier and after successful registration need these information to be in suppl…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 221 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Saransh Rastogi Supplier Management
Does enabling supplier audit report causes any performance issue to environment?Summary: We are planning to use supplier audit report for our client. Will that have any impact on the performance of the pod? Eg: instance slowness etc Content (please …
Request for Supplier Portal feedbackSummary: We are looking to implement the Supplier Portal across our instance, and we are reaching out for any feedback/success stories from anyone who has been using the…
Supplier Audit Report QuerySummary Need Supplier Audit ReportContent Hello, Is anyone having issues with the out of the box Supplier Audit Report? We have configured the audit policies for supplie…User_2025-01-30-17-50-55-360 429 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by User_J3N5J Supplier Management
W4 attachment while supplier onboardingSummary: we have the ask to make W4 attachment mandatory while supplier is registering using external URL or while creating the supplier internally. can we achieve this …
Supplier Bank Account Type LoVSummary: Currently the supplier Bank account information page's Account type shows a set 4 values (Checking, Saving, Money Market and Unknown) Is there any way to add ad…
Suppliers are not able to attach document in ASBN via ADFDI excel upload (Using Supplier Portal)Summary: We have checked and found that there is no functionality to attach documents via the excel upload? We need suppliers to be able to upload invoice PDFs and packi…
facing issue while updating a supplier from fusion To wms through OICSummary: Hi All, when ever a supplier is created or updated then its needs to be changed in WMS Through OIC, So I have taken an app driven and with supplier created busi…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhavaleshchandra Sukesh-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to get supplier approval details in Audit reportSummary How to get supplier approval details in Audit reportContent We have enabled the audit log for supplier, it is possible to capture the approver info who approve t…
Inactivate SuppliersSummary: Inactivate Suppliers was introduce in 22A and helps to inactivate supplier with no activity. Suppliers with No Transactions: Select Yes if you want to inactivat…
Supplier updation error while integrating from fusion to wms.Summary: I updated the existing supplier in fusion. I try to integrate the update supplier details to WMS through OIC. when ever a supplier is updated in fusion then the…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can we restrict Vendor deactivation on system date only?Summary: Hello, I just need an understanding here, whether Vendor can be inactivated on future date also? Is it a standard functionality? Or can we restrict to input onl…Heena 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
Two layers of Spend Authorized Supplier ApprovalSummary Currently, when a spend authorized supplier is submitted for approval--it gets approved once and then approved again. How can we set it up so it is only one laye…
Difference between Bank Accounts changed and Bank Account Level Change approval attributesSummary: What is the difference between the approval attributes: Bank Accounts changed and Bank Account Level Change Content (required): In the Internal Supplier Profile…
I need to update the suppliers product and services in bulk uploadI need to import the supplier's products and services in a bulk upload. I found the FBDI template but the supplier number is not included in the template as in the pictu…
How to mass update Req BU using "auto site assignement" tab in the supplier site level ?Summary: Hello, We have 2 proc BU (one for each country) and many Req BU, we will add more than 200 Req BU to the system and we are looking for the best way to add all t…
How we can provide access to end users to upload supplier GST number?Summary: Dear Team, Our client end users has uploading the supplier GST number at address level. Currently we have an option to navigate to Transaction Tax --> Manage ta…Pothumanavan.Ganesan 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pothumanavan.Ganesan Supplier Management
How to assign a number using sql to a DFF?Summary: Need to assign a 5 digit number using sql to supplier DFF Content (required): we have a DFF called address_indicator where we need to populate it with 5-digit n…