Requisition Processing
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PR approval task became SUSPENDED by system and cannot be reassignedSummary: User creates a PR to buy a service and submits for approval, the approver says he approved but the task appears as suspended by the approver, the tast is no lon…AlbertoSobalvarro 243 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Aditi Surana-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Ability to split requisition (budgetary controlled enabled) into multiple POSummary: System should be able to split single requisition into multiple purchase orders when budgetary control in enabled Content (required): Currently Budgetary contro…
Ability to see Item Description and other details on Process Requisitions PageSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Our client has a requirement where they would like to see following information on Process Requisitions Long Description ( Its avail…
Is it possible to combine multible PRs from different B.U and create one PO.Summary: Need to combine multible PRs from different B.U and create one PO. Content (required): Can Procurement club multiple PRs (from different Bussiness units) and cr…
Options to close a requisition in CloudSummary: closing requisition that has not been converted to a PO yet does not unencumber the funds Content (required): Is there another option to close a requisition oth…
Does anyone know if it is possible to default the Buyer by cost center for requsistions?Summary: We would like the default the Buyers by cost center for requisitions using ADF or any other mass change. Is this possible? The ADF download currently does not c…
Is there a way to stop 10% of your requisition for auto-generating PO based on flex field value?Summary: we still want our 90% of our requisition to auto-generate PO upon approval Content (required): is there a way to stop 10% of your requisition for auto-generatin…
Why are Requisitions Lines with same Description Combining on the PO?Summary Req lines are combining on the PO but amount is not aggregatingContent Use Case: We created a requisition with 2 lines. Both lines have the same description part…
No visibility of purchase requisitions with status 'Pending approval'Summary: As procurement I have multiple license types in my name so should have sight of everything. What I certainly don't have is visibility of purchase requisitions w…
How to create a PO through API with requisition referenceSummary: Hi, I want to create a PO with ref to PR, in 21 D we have a process request API which does it. Could you please tell me which API I need to select. Create a dra…
Global ProcurementSummary How to fulfil global procurement process multiples business units cross bordersContent Hi Procurement Specialists We are implementing Oracle Procurement Cloud, a…
PO Quantity field is editable when it is converted from a PRContent Hi Team, When we process the requisition and convert the PR into PO, a buyer can go and change the quantity field when the PO is in incomplete status. This is a …
Is it possible to have multiple units of measure available when using Blanket Agreements?Summary: When creating a PO, we have a situation in which our Pricing on our Purchase agreement is in a Base Unit of Measure, or smallest unit of measure available for t…
Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud Apps Content (required): I followed a Note and have the privileges to use spreadsheet…
Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud Apps Content (required): We are looking for a Mass Cancel option to cleanup Requisiti…
Ability to search Requisition under Process Requisition through Mfg Part Number, Mfg Name, UN NumberSummary: Ability to search Requisition under Process Requisition through Mfg Part Number, Mfg Name, UN Number Content (required): Ability to search and filter requisitio…
Options to update / route requisition lines to alternate Procurement BUSummary: Need the ability to update or route requisition lines to an alternate Procurement BU. Content (required): Configuring regional and global Procurement Shared Ser…
difference between ship-to location and deliver-to locationSummary: ship-to location and deliver-to location Content (required): Can someone please explain the difference between below 4 fields ship-to location(PO header) delive…
Details on 21D REST API Requisition Processing RequestsSummary: Request for details on 21D REST API Requisition Processing Requests Content (required): Hi, read the 21D release notes and saw a new rest api, "Requisition Proc…
PO Generation taking atleast 10 MinsContent Hi, The Autogeneration of PO from a requisition where the Negotiated flag is enabled taking atleast 10 mins for the PO Generation and also creating a PO from Doc…
Closed Purchase Order Conversion with FBDISummary Closed Purchase Order Conversion with FBDIContent If any of you have converted closed purchase order with FBDI, please let me know if this is allowed? Appreciate…
How to add Buyer Electronic Signature in systemSummary How to add Buyer Electronic Signature in system and where to check the signature is available in fusion systemContent Hi Experts , How to add Buyer Electronic Si…
can we split budgetary control approved requisition lines in the process requisitions screen , is tSummary can we split budgetary control approved requisition lines in the process requisitions screen , is this update applied or not yet and any idea about itContent can…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Purchasing
Requisition Line DFF on Process Requisition PoolSummary Requisition Line DFF on Process Requisition PoolContent Hi - We have the profile to copy Req line DFF to PO Line is enabled and we want to capture some extra fie…
Getting started using the Oracle Business Network - Support required setting up connections and messSummary We are using Oracle Business Network for the first time - Support required setting up connections and messaging parameters Content We are using Oracle Business N…
The charge account can't be generated. The transaction account definition Purchasing TAB Default AccSummary Hi, We are seeing this issue while OSP PO auto creation. Its been working till date properly, but suddenly we have encountered this issue. Please let us know if …
Option to turn off email notifications based upon assigned Buyer CommoditySummary On Manage buyer assignment rules setup page, we need to turn off the email notifications for a particular commodity but don't find an option to do that Please se…
Is there a way to Reject the PO if all of the Requisition Lines are not on same POSummary Is there a way to Reject the PO if all of the Requisition Lines are not on same POContent Hi Team - we have a requirement where we are creating a Requsition cont…
PO Line DFF does not default valueContent Hi, I've set up a PO Line DFF (actually, 3 of them) which have the seeded value set 'Yes' or 'No' behind it (PON_YES_NO). Furthermore I've set to have the Defaul…
Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order PageSummary Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Page Content Hi All, Procurement BU is blank in Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Page. …