Requisition Processing
Discussion List
Fusion P2P – Oracle Fusion Procure to Pay (P2P) Life Cycle with Functional and Technical flowContent The P2P cycle comprises of the following steps,01. Create Requisitions02. Approve Requisitions03. Create Purchase Orders04. Approve Purchase Orders05. Receive Go…
Select Sold-To LE when adding Lines to document builderSummary: Can the Sold-to LE be selected on the Process Requisitions page? Content (required): At our client we have a 1 BU to many LE relationship where the buyer has to…
Can we restrict change order to update from PR to POSummary: Is there an option where PO will not be edited through PR screen? Some of our requestors are created as procurement agents for reporting data extract purposes b…
Procurement Agent - Manage Requisitions 'Full' vs 'View'Summary: Question on the difference between having 'Full' or 'View' access to Other Agent's documents on the Procurement Agent setup Content (required): Hi, In our setup…
What does 'System Update' refer to in the requisition workflowSummary: There are a few 'System Update' tasks in the requisition workflow before an approver that don't give any detail as to why they are there. Content (required): In…
Can images loaded to agreements be more user friendly?Summary: Image Sizing issue. The descriptions for items remains in a fixed layout, so if the item image is too large, it overlaps the text. Can Fusion be developed so th…
Touch less buying SetupsSummary Touch less buying SetupsContent Hi All, Please share setups Documents for Touch less buying Setups. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 21B
Combining requisitions from different BUs onto single POContent Hi all, Our use case is that we want to purchase software license companywide, across multiple countries and raise one single PO to vendor. For the simplicity of…
Supplier Site is set to 2-way match but the Purchase Order defaulted to 3-way.Summary: Our Supplier Site is set to 2-way match but the Purchase Order lines for this supplier default to 3-way. Content (required): Version (include the version you ar…
Update DFF value in Process RequisitionsSummary: Sometimes it takes some time for the buyers assess and decide on Purchasing Strategy, to to market or not. And while these investigations are ongoing, we would …
How to match legacy PO number with the Orcale PO (created through Drop ship SO via FBDI) in cloud?Summary: We are looking for inputs on the process of importing the Drop Ship Sales Orders through FBDI. The only requirement is that, Purchase order number(Created from …
How to view every Purchase Requisition created using UI/REST API/Web Servie/FBDI ImportSummary: Needed to create a new custom role that can provide access to view/edit/delete every purchase requisition created in the system Content (required): When we trie…Shashidhar Goud 105 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Shashidhar Goud Self Service Procurement
How to Group Multiple requisition to a Single Purchase Order?Summary: I am trying to import Drop Ship Sales Orders via FBDI. For a single SO (with multiple lines), the system is creating multiple requisitions. How to convert those…
Can Generate Order program be modified to select Apprvd Reqs based on data range or DFF valueSummary: Need ability to filter and select Approved Reqs to be picked up by Generate Order program to create Purchase Orders Content (required): Use case: Approved Reqs …
unable to automatically consume from open blanket agreementSummary: Hello experts, While approving a requisition line for a category that has an active blanket agreement, the line is not assigned automatically to the relative so…
PR approval task became SUSPENDED by system and cannot be reassignedSummary: User creates a PR to buy a service and submits for approval, the approver says he approved but the task appears as suspended by the approver, the tast is no lon…AlbertoSobalvarro 242 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Aditi Surana-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Ability to split requisition (budgetary controlled enabled) into multiple POSummary: System should be able to split single requisition into multiple purchase orders when budgetary control in enabled Content (required): Currently Budgetary contro…
Ability to see Item Description and other details on Process Requisitions PageSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Our client has a requirement where they would like to see following information on Process Requisitions Long Description ( Its avail…
Is it possible to combine multible PRs from different B.U and create one PO.Summary: Need to combine multible PRs from different B.U and create one PO. Content (required): Can Procurement club multiple PRs (from different Bussiness units) and cr…
Options to close a requisition in CloudSummary: closing requisition that has not been converted to a PO yet does not unencumber the funds Content (required): Is there another option to close a requisition oth…
Does anyone know if it is possible to default the Buyer by cost center for requsistions?Summary: We would like the default the Buyers by cost center for requisitions using ADF or any other mass change. Is this possible? The ADF download currently does not c…
Is there a way to stop 10% of your requisition for auto-generating PO based on flex field value?Summary: we still want our 90% of our requisition to auto-generate PO upon approval Content (required): is there a way to stop 10% of your requisition for auto-generatin…
Why are Requisitions Lines with same Description Combining on the PO?Summary Req lines are combining on the PO but amount is not aggregatingContent Use Case: We created a requisition with 2 lines. Both lines have the same description part…
No visibility of purchase requisitions with status 'Pending approval'Summary: As procurement I have multiple license types in my name so should have sight of everything. What I certainly don't have is visibility of purchase requisitions w…User_2025-02-08-03-56-08-878 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nick De_Louise Self Service Procurement
How to create a PO through API with requisition referenceSummary: Hi, I want to create a PO with ref to PR, in 21 D we have a process request API which does it. Could you please tell me which API I need to select. Create a dra…
Global ProcurementSummary How to fulfil global procurement process multiples business units cross bordersContent Hi Procurement Specialists We are implementing Oracle Procurement Cloud, a…User_2025-03-07-18-57-18-049 48 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-03-07-18-57-18-049 Purchasing
PO Quantity field is editable when it is converted from a PRContent Hi Team, When we process the requisition and convert the PR into PO, a buyer can go and change the quantity field when the PO is in incomplete status. This is a …
Is it possible to have multiple units of measure available when using Blanket Agreements?Summary: When creating a PO, we have a situation in which our Pricing on our Purchase agreement is in a Base Unit of Measure, or smallest unit of measure available for t…
Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Canceling Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet in Fusion 21C Oracle Cloud Apps Content (required): I followed a Note and have the privileges to use spreadsheet…