Discussion List
Price Change Tolerance Percentage does not workSummary: We have set the % in configure req business funciton to 0%, but when processing a requisition the buyer can increase the amount or quantity on the PO and submit…Dave Johnston 112 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sabina Sariteanu-Support-Oracle Purchasing
Configure Procurement Business Function - Agreement linesSummary: I would like to know when this functionality was added, what version and if there is any information either in the manual or what's New. I went through most of …
Numbering Format for Service and Material Purchase OrdersSummary: We need to implement Service PO Number should be start with "WO-" followed by the serial number, and Material PO number should be start with "PO-" Number follow…
Making a DFF Uneditable when a change order is createdSummary: We have created a date DFF on PO Headers. Can we make this DFF uneditable when a change order is created for the PO? Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
How can i set a user as Purchase Order manager or viewer?Summary: I cannot see or manage purchase order if the user has a custom role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I set some users as view-only…
Is there a way to set up the test environment to prevent emails from being sent to third parties?Summary: Is there a way to set up the test environment to prevent emails from being sent to third parties? For example: end PO PDF to supplier or send notification to bu…
Republish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processesRepublish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processes
How to reminder about the purchase agreement expiring soon has been sent via email.Summary: A reminder about the purchase agreement expiring soon is sent via email to multiple buyers in the system. I am not sure if this is supported as a standard featu…
How can I create approval rules in BPM for V3 termination? We have existing for V2Summary: BPM Approvals for Migration from V2 to V3 terminations. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please assist!! We have to migrate to V3 …
How can you set the default override approver on a POSummary: We have certain purchase orders that need to be routed to a specific individual for approval. Is it possible to set the override approver for a specific BU to a…
Restrict Access to Make Edits in Process RequisitionSummary: Once our Requisitions have been approved we are looking to see if we can lock down fields within the "Process Requisition" task so that the user cannot edit tho…
Work Confirmation (Quantity Based) is it Possible ?Right Now We Have Document Style Of Complex PO That is Work Confirmation enabled As You know it is Amount Based Only (Work Confirmation) But We Can override Quantity Che…
Logic to separate in transit shipment on a purchase order from BIP reportSummary: Business requirement is to finally close a purchase order but system is not allowing due to in transit shipment. In report we have already added the logic for n…
Is there a way to add a shared mailbox as default buyer on POSummary: There is a request to have the Default Buyer for POs not just be 1 user but a shared mailbox account. Is this possible? How has this been configured in the past…
Redwood UI Manage Purchase OrdersSummary: Redwood: Manage Purchase Orders : I have performed below steps to set up New Purchase Order screen in 25A ,but could not see the Purchase Order(New) option. htt…
Unable to enable the Invoice Information Hyperlink in -Purchase Order Requires Receipt ConfirmationSummary: Hi Team, I am unable to enable the invoice information hyperlink under invoice number in "Purchase Order Requires Receipt Confirmation" email notification. Busi…
BPA related to two ship to organizationsSummary: Can I define one BPA with two lines, one linked to the ship to organization A and the second line linked to the ship to organization B? Is it possible? Or all t…
Purchase Document numbering based on line typeSummary: Purchase Order (PO) Line Level Requirements: Service Type: If the "Type" field on a PO line is selected as "Service," the generated PO number must be prefixed w…Sudarshan.Kawade 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
PO Charge Account rule should update based on category mappingSummary: Our purchase order charge account derives from the requisition charge account. The requisition charge account natural account segment has its own rule derived f…
How to avoid source agreement defaulting on PO Line when there are two CPA's with the same supplierSummary: Avoid defaulting of Source Agreement on PO Line when there are two CPA's with same supplier Content (required): When the Buyer creates a PO, source agreement (C…
How to activate the purchasing profile option "PO_LOAD_ITEMS_IN_ALL_LANGUAGES"Hello everyone, I'm trying to activate the purchasing profile option "PO_LOAD_ITEMS_IN_ALL_LANGUAGES" but when I search for it I don't see it, has anyone had the same pr…
Ship-to Address for Drop Ship POSummary: Hi We have scenario drop shipment which is PO from Customer (we store as Sales Order) will be PO to supplier. Let say Customer A create order that ship to their…
PO approval after RFQ award approvalSummary: Once the RFQ award approval has been completed and purchasing documents have been created, does the PO or agreement again go for approval as per Oracle standard…
How to Remove Purchase Order attachment from order confirmation request emails sent to SupplierTo my understanding, a confirmation request email is sent to the supplier when E-mail is the chosen Communication Method for a purchase order as in Screenshot 1. When th…
Why Project Number getting wiped out on changing the Organization on PO Schedule Level ?Why Project Number getting wiped out on changing the Organization on PO Schedule Level ? how can we stop this ?
Full bank account detail for Supplier Registration approvers and Profile change request approversSummary: how to display full bank account number for Supplier Registration approvers and supplier Profile change request approvers Content (please ensure you mask any co…Meghana Chittabathuni-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Management
How can we mass update the Default Buyer in Configure Procurement Business Unit FunctionAs per the business requirement, there are 200+ BU in the instance. However, we had missed to the load the 'Buyer' name in 'Configure Procurement Business Function' or a…
DFF - Value set characters more than 150Summary: Possibility of having a value set attached to DFF accepting more than 150 characters Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have crea…
Manage Accrual Clearing Rules-How to restrict Accrual write off where AP Invoice on accounting hold?Summary: As per Client’s requirement, the “Manage Accrual Clearing Rules” setup needs to be configured in such a way that Accrual balance (for Inventory Item based Purch…Abhishek.Kabra 34 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
Auto populate agreement number on PR based on selected itemSummary: When the requestor selects the item number while entering the requisition line and if we have a BPA for the selected item then the agreement number should be au…