Discussion List
Collaboration Messaging FrameworkSummary How to enable Collaboration Message Framework to automate PO Creation in Supplier SystemContent We are looking for setup details and along with different deliver…
Mapping Set Default ValueSummary Mapping Set Default ValueContent Hi, I need to put "*" for Procurement B.U to represent any value but the system requires a value for this choice only accept "*"…
Edit the input source of the Mapping SetSummary Edit the input source of the Mapping SetContent Hi, Is it possible to edit the input source of the mapping set;for example i need only item category in input sou…
OTBI Procurement Subject Area shows Communication Date same for Original and Change Order PO DocumenSummary OTBI Procurement Subject Area shows Communication Date same for Original and Change Order PO DocumentContent Hi, We got to see that PO Communication date to supp…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User753632-Oracle Purchasing
PO approval routing to only top level of hierarchySummary Want to route PO to only the top level of the Requester hierarchyContent We would like to build an approval workflow where the system would evaluate the hierarch…
"Centralized Procurement" in oracle fusionSummary "Centralized Procurement" in oracle fusionContent Hi, I need white paper or document explains the purpose and setup of "Centralized Procurement " in oracle fusio…
Unable to change Deliver to Location of PO (service lines) which is in closed for receiving statusSummary Unable to change Deliver to Location of PO (service lines) which is in closed for receiving statusContent Getting error message while trying to create a change o…
Purchasing Document Approval Stages - Preapproval and HeaderSummary Purchasing Document Approval Stages - Preapproval and HeaderContent We have setup purchasing document approvals to follow two stages of approval - preapproval an…
can we apply the withholding tax on purchase order like VATSummary we have a requirement to apply the WH rate on purchase orderContent on purchase order lines we can apply the VAT tax codes but we need a solution or a workaround…Mohamed Attia-Allah 78 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Purchasing
Change the Route of a Purchase Order Approval from one Employee's Supervisor Hierarchy to other EmSummary Need to change the Approval Hierarchy from one Employee's hierarchy to other's.Content We have Business case in which we have to use Purchasing Approval Employee…
Using Job Level Approval through BPM or FSMSummary Requirement is to use Job Groups of user in serial based on Amount Limit and within Group approval should go to parallel like first responder winContent Hi All, …
Migrate legacy PO without source agreement line details (SOURCE_AGREEMENT_LINE) - BPASummary Migrate legacy PO without source agreement line details (SOURCE_AGREEMENT_LINE) - BPAContent Our client is using Oracle 11i EBS purchasing and never used BPA doc…
How to use attributes from HR record in procurement document approvalsSummary How to use attributes from HR record in procurement document approvalsContent How to use attributes from HR record in procurement document approvals There is one…
Change Order Template - Options to Stop Change Order Transmission to Vendor for Purchasing CategorySummary Change Order Template - Options to Stop Change Order Transmission to Vendor for Purchasing Category ChangeContent Hi Team, We are looking for options to Not Tran…User_2025-02-05-20-31-30-302 56 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Suman Guha-Oracle Purchasing
How to change the org id if the purchase order is already approved and open statusSummary How to change the org id if the purchase order is already approved and open statusContent Dear, Unfortunately the user has entered the wrong organization in PO l…
Automatic PO approval ruleContent Hi, I have a business rule where a Purchase Order that is linked to a BPA is automatically approved. If there is a change order in this PO, it is also automatica…
Unable to Add Additional Business Units to an Existing Blanket Purchasing AgreementSummary Unable to Add Additional Business Units to an Existing Blanket Purchasing AgreementContent Hi Team, We are trying to extend the Business Unit for an existing BPA…User_2025-02-05-20-31-30-302 43 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ivan Pena-Oracle Purchasing
Need URL/link to Access Oracle Integration for Mass Close PO Activity using IntegrationSummary Need URL/link to Access Oracle Integration for Mass Close PO Activity using IntegrationContent Hi, We have been trying to mass close PO's using oracle integratio…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 Purchasing
Setup Contract Electronic SignatureSummary Implement e-signature enterprise contract with blanket agreementsContent Hi. My customer wants to use the e-signature in the procurement process. I would like to…
Blanket Agreement with "Fixed Price Service" line typeSummary Blanket Agreement with "Fixed Price Service" line typeContent Hello, i have a question according to Blanket Agreement with "Fixed Price Service" line type , if w…
What are the required setups to send PO details to the suppliers as XML File and does OSN requires sContent Supplier is asking the PO details as XML file. So what are all the required setups to communicate as cxml and do OSN require separate license?
The relation between "Match Approval Level" &"Invoice Match Option"Summary The relation between "Match Approval Level" &"Invoice Match Option"Content Hello, What do we mean by "Match Approval Level" and What is the relation between "Mat…
Purpose of Procurement contractsContent Hello Everyone, I need to understand the purpose of Procurement Contract and the usages I tried creating a contact but Why can't I attach that contract to a BPA …
CMK Outbound/InboundContent While registering in OBN how do I find the the buyer id/ID type Also how to setup WEB Delivery method
Fields on Change Order FormSummary Need to make some fields on change order form non-editableContent Gurus, We have a requirement where we want to be able to make some of the fields on the Change …
Derive a segment value based on Project Legal EntitySummary Derive a segment value based on Project Legal Entity using TAB on PO, RequisitionContent We want to derive a segment in the Charge, Accrual and Variance accounts…
Pricing Date For Purchase order line Sourced from BPASummary Pricing Date For Purchase order line Sourced from BPAContent Hi We are creating purchase order line referencing the Blanket Purchase Agreement. When we enter the…
Min-max requisitions not grouped with manual requisitions while creating POSummary Min-max requisitions not grouped with manual requisitions while creating POContent Min-max requisitions not grouped with manual requisitions while converting POs…
Adding requisition to an Open purchase orderSummary Adding requisition to an Open purchase orderContent Hi All, As a part of recent upgrade 20A/B, now we are allowed to add approved requisitions to existing purcha…
B2B PO CommunicationSummary Can not configure B2B PO communicationContent Hi, I've been trying to get my approved PO's sent out through B2B communication and I've done all the setup as ment…