Business Intelligence
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Want to Change seeded datamodel of Award Approval Notification Report under sourcingSummary: Hello, I want to chnage Seeded data model of Award Approval Notification Report which is Award Approval Notification Data Model when i click on it for opening i…
Oracle OTBI report for Award Negotiation (Award by Spreadsheet)Summary:What is the seeded Oracle OTBI report which equates to the on-line Award Negotiation (Award by Spreadsheet) Spreadhseet Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Disable Supplier PDF creationContent Hi all, When inviting a Supplier with their Site, by default a Supplier PDF will be generated based on your Layout (BI) and the language of the Supplier Address.…
Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized?Content Can Subject of a Negotiation Award Approval Bell notification be customized? Like have supplier name and description? Version Oracle Fusion 13, 19C
Supplier Negotiation PDF Report Table of Content Font changeWe would like to change the font for table of content in Supplier negotiation PDF. When we select TOC in RTF template and changed font to Calibri and uploaded the RTF in…
Migrate custom objects/page created via application composerSummary Need steps to migrate custom objects/page created via application composer (in a sandboxContent Hi Everyone, We need steps to migrate custom objects/page created…
Award Negotiation ExportContent Hello, Can we edit Award By Spreadsheet. Is there any report for this? If yes, where we can find the data model for this export. Thanks, Nishanth
What is the VO corresponding to the sourcing Table PON_BID_PO_NUMBERSSummary: Sourcing VO name is required to identify the awarded negotiation specific purchasing document (PO / Agreement) details. What is the VO corresponding to the sour…
Is there any report to identify which users have been logged in past month?Summary: Is there any Audit report or OTBI report which would enable us to Identify which users have been logged in in past 1 months? Content (please ensure you mask any…
What is the correct deep link to view the negotiation response pdf?Summary: Using below link I can only reach till the page below.…
How to provide hyperlink to the user to navigate to the manage negotiations>>response number in saasSummary: The client has the requirement to provide them with hyperlinks/deep links that will help them to see the response pdf of a response number in manage negotiation…
Is there any Workaround to undo cancelled BPA?Summary: Our client wants to undo cancelled BPA which was cancelled accidentally. Looking for a workaround to uncanceled it in UI. Content (required): Version (include t…
How to re order Line Numbers on a negotiation which has multiple lines and when few of the lines areContent We posted a solicitation with over 100 lines (BPA), then we did an amendment that made changes to the lines (remove lines, add lines, and update lines at the sam…
Unable to add Negotiation Icon to the Springboard and Navigator.Summary Unable to add Negotiation, SQM, Catalog Icons to the Springboard and Navigator.Content Hi Fellow Practitioners, Season's greetings. I have done all the necessary…
Unable to create Purchasing document (BPA) for Negotiation processed through REQSummary Unable to create Purchasing document (BPA) for Negotiation processed through REQContent We have created Requisition with Item Lines and processed it into Negotia…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
Negotiation Status Pie with Draft Negotiations (OTBI)Summary A report to show the percentage a negotiations in different statuses including draft for a given procurement BUContent In 19A release we enabled draft status neg…
Q: How to enable a user to have just reporting access to Sourcing, SQM and Procurement Contracts?Summary Enable a user have just reporting access to Sourcing, SQM and Procurement Contracts (OTBI and BI Publisher) but not create/manage negotiations, initiatives or co…
Sourcing Programs at Risk Report (OTBI)Summary A report on all objectives of ongoing programs that are at riskContent Sourcing Programs is a great tool for savings goal tracking and performance measurement. V…
Sourcing Program Savings Report (OTBI)Summary A report to review savings across programs for various categories in your business units to see if the baseline goals are being metContent Sourcing Programs is a…
Sourcing Program Report (OTBI)Summary A report showing the summary of a single sourcing program along with its objectivesContent Sourcing Programs is a great tool for savings goal tracking and perfor…