Discussion List
Is there a mobile app in Order Management module to create and manage sales orders?Summary: Is there a mobile app in Order Management module to create and manage sales orders? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Does Oracle C…
Automatic Receipt for RMASummary: We have a requirement to create RMA and where we want auto receipt. Is there a way to do this? Appreciate any input. We are currently calling web service to do …
please let us know if we can pass to different result code in fulfillment line list and fulfillmentSummary: please let us know if we can pass to different result code in fulfillment line list and fulfillment line result code while updating GTM response in sales order …
Line selection based on Order Header EFF is not workingSummary: Line selection based on Order Header EFF is not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Line selection based on Order Header EFF …
Recommended flow and best practice to follow to build the OM-OTM-WMS integrationSummary: Hi Experts We have a requirement of establishing an integration between Oracle Cloud OM, OTM & WMS for Sales order/ Transfer order fulfillment. Appreciate any i…
How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first executionSummary: How to reprocess Pricing FBDI Batch Name which failed in the first execution Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to mas…
How to update the currency of the Total Shipping Cost Recorded at the Shipment?When adding the Shipping Cost to the shipment, whatever currency we are selecting, the currency gets converted to USD. We have tried removing the Currency as well as rep…
Need to trigger OIC when order is created in draft stateSummary: Hi Everyone, We have requirement that we need to call OIC when any order is created in draft stage in OM. We tried to use business events but using business eve…
Order Line Stuck with Schedule Status and When Recover the Order the Status UpdatedSummary: For some of the sales order, the status of the sales order line getting stuck with Schedule status, but when we recover the sales order the sales order line is …
lines splitting on the shipment but not on order managementHello, We are able to see that the lines are getting split on the manage shipment line page but not on the Sales order, when we run the ESS job: Generate Shipment Reques…
How to update multiple sales orders at once for requested ship/arrival dateSummary: We have a requirement where a few sales orders have to be updated manually everyday for requested ship/arrival dates. So how can this be done in an efficient wa…
What is the Significance of the 'Assemble to Order' flag in Item Specificaiton?Summary: As per the documentation , the Assemble-to-Order flag is set to Yes for those FGs which are fulfilled through work order based on sales order. But even if we ke…
How To create and add a new Bill to site and update the City of Existing Site in bulkSummary: Using, Manage Data Import Batches → Create New Batch → Enter Batch Name → Source System: Comma Separated Value. Using CustomerImportTemplate CSV how to create o…
How to delete an organization from manually created external source systemSummary: We have defined an external source system under "Manage Planning Source System", then assigned Planning Calander and Organization to that source system. as show…
After transfer order being interfaced throw order management, I can't found it in order managementAfter the transfer order is interfaced through Order Management, it does not appear in Order Management but can only be shipped from the source organization throw invent…
Shipping Charges Flat Rate Charges Solution Not working when update DFF using APISummary: Hi Team, We were trying to define a shipping charge rate via EFF and utilizing it in the sales order for our requirement. But it seems this approach wont be wor…
Skip pause on revisions and/or fulfillment line splitsSummary: Skip the pause on revisions and/or fulfillment line splits – if the pause has been released on revision 1 and/or parent fulfillment line before split Content (p…
What should be the frequency of ESS Job 'ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS'?Summary: After enabling responsive SSP, we are required to schedule Process name: 'ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS' with Parameter Value for Program Name to run Bulk …
Need Progressive or Milestone payment option for Order ManagementSummary: Our customer needs progressive payment option or milestone payment like we have for Purchase Orders. Currently customer is doing it manually by creating invoice…
Setup Document for Service Mapping of Sales Order Header Attribute to Receipt Header DFFNeed help for setting up Service Mapping where need to map Customer ID from Sales Order Header to a DFF on Receipt Header. Any white document integrating Order Managemen…Girijashankar Chaubey 39 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Girijashankar Chaubey Order Management
In Oracle is there a way to make PO lines that are 2 - way match lines receiving optional?Any help is appreciated
How to derive sales order line price by adding multiple price components other then Price List priceSummary: It is very critical in our implementation program and we don't have any solution or workaround. you support is very critical to meet our milestones. We want to …
ReferenceFulfillmentLineIdentifier is null for revision created on a sales order using Rest APIHello Experts, We have use case to validate if a line is newly added to a Sales Order and to default few attributes using Order Management Extension. We are revising a l…
Line selection Criteria based on Fulfillment org idSummary: We have requirement to execute Task based on the specific value of fulfillment Org id Can you please share line selection criteria? Content (please ensure you m…
error when creating a Sales Order without warehouse, and different UOM that the primary of the ITEM.Summary: A value is must for the Price attribute. For master items, you must provide a price when there's no list price defined for the item in Product Information Manag…Cristian Rodrigo Gtz-Oracle 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Order Management
Pause based on comparing line level EFF values between Shippable and non Shippable lineSummary: We have requirement to compare line level EFF between Shippable and non-Shippable line. If the values are matching then apply Pause Content (please ensure you m…
Calculate item price based of total quantity of sales orderI am looking for any experience calculating price based of total quantity of sales order in Oracle Fusion. Please see details below: I am currently using tier pricing to…
Will a supplier sent an email when PO is on hold?Hi Community. When a Purchase Order is in Hold status, will the supplier receive an E Mail? If not, is it possible to configure the same?
RMA WITHOUT CREDIT MEMO| Return sale order without credit memoA requirement has come from client as follows: No need of credit memo creation while performing RMA transaction. so, i have followed an article provided by the oracle on…
WMS Prebuilt Shipset Flow DocumentationSummary: I am looking for implementation guidance for Prebuilt Integrations support Shipset flow between Fusion and WMS Cloud. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…