Discussion List
How to Populate Trading Partner DFF on sales order Item search form?Summary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to populate trading partner additional DFF attribute on sales order item search form as in search item - Add fields >> Item Relat…
How do add custom infolets in order-to-cash tab?Summary: Hi, we need to add custom infolets, but there is no add field in this option below. We able the sandbox, but I can't add new custom infolets Content (please ens…Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon Order Management
Is it possible to populate Manufacturing Product Cost of the Item on Sales Order Line level?Summary: Hi, I have a business requirement: Is it possible to populate Manufacturing Product Cost of the Item on Sales Order Line level? Content (required): Version (inc…
Attach Shipping Documents to ShipmentSummary: the system kicks off a series of ESS jobs: - Apply Document Job Set Rules and Output Preferences - Ship Confirm Documents - Print Packing Slip Report - Print Bi…
Reason update for backordering a Sales OrderSummary: Hello All, Whenever we backorder a Sales Order line in the "Manage Shipment Lines" tab, is there a way a Reason field can be introduced so that one can know wha…
We have to create an Custom field in sales order page.Summary: We need to create a custom column in Sales Order, That can be updatable at any point of time. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…KOTTHURI ASHOKBABU 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Kurur-Oracle SCM Product Management-Oracle Order Management
I created a new Orchestration rule, but it is not always working & inconsistent.Summary: I created a new rule in "Manage Orchestration Process Assignment Rules". This is not always working and it is inconsistent. Content (please ensure you mask any …
Can we create IMT without having AP and AR invoice generationSummary: Business is not looking for an invoice for AP and AR during IMT transaction. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the…S Lokesh 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
Sales order shows out of stock even though there is available stockSummary: When I create a sales order, it shows as out of stock even though I have available stock. What could be causing this? Please tell me how to resolve. . This item…
is null condition seems to be not working in Line Selection CriteriaSummary is null condition seems to be not working in Line Selection CriteriaContent Hi, We have a Fulfillment Line EFF and based on whether the field has a value or not …
Custom Orchestration Process - Skip Ship confirm: Bill after Pick ReleasingSummary We would like to create a custom orchestration process where billing is triggered after Pick Releasing to StageContent We would like to create a custom orchestra…
How to Display Zero after decimal under Shipped Quantity on Shipment LineSummary: We would like to restrict quantity fields on Shipment UI as 3 decimals place. So we want to display zero after decimal under Shipped Quantity. For example, If t…
Set EFF Value based on sales order line item categorySummary: Hi, I would like to know if is possible to set a header level EFF value bases on Sales Order Lines item category. The requirement is so that if ALL the items in…
How to use check on-hand availability function in sales order UISummary check on-hand availabilityContent Dear all, Currently, SI is deploying Order Management Cloud and they got issue with check on-hand availability within an invent…
OM Extesion to update Header.Transaction On Attribute to Order Date or Ship DateSummary: Is there OM extension available to Update Header.TransactionOn Attribute as either order Date or Schedule Arrival Date Please share the same Content (please ens…
Ability to use the Order Management Extension while importing Sales Orders using FBDISummary: Possibility to trigger an Order Management Extension to put "Hold" on Sales Order, immediately after they are imported using the FBDI process. Content (please e…
How to set up Coverage Item and Covered ItemsSummary: Looking out for Oracle documentation that helps in setting up of Coverage Item and Covered Items. Which can be used in OM/Subscription Management Content (pleas…
Inquiry to create a return sales order using FBDII want to create a return order through FBDI. (I created a standard order using "SourceSalesOrderImportTemplate".) I want to create a return order as "add unreferred ret…
Reservable flag in Fulfillment lines.What does the fulfilment lines' reservable flag mean? Where does the value come from by default?
Cancel the sales order line placed on hold by shipment requestSummary: The sales order is interfaced to WMS, however the order line was cancelled which updated the WMS for Qty Zero however did not cancel the sales order line. Recei…
system is taking default orchestration process in oracle fusionHi, All system is taking default orchestration process in oracle order management cloud, Where we can remove default orchestration process. Thanks, Nitish.
On Dropship order revision its cancelling existing Purchase order and creating new POSummary: Hi Team, We have the below requirement on the Drop ship flow. Requirement : User should be able to add new lines to the existing drop ship sales order, the new …
Item revision information for sales order linesSummary: Do you maintain item revision information on sales order lines? If so, please let me know which items apply. If not, is there a way to find out the revision inf…
Sales Order for Rental/LeaseSummary: We have a requirement to Model Rental/Lease scenario to fulfill a requirement, where the Enterprise offers Equipment to the customer on Rental/Lease basis. Once…
Can we send bill only type of Sales Order lines to OTM?Summary: We have a business flow, where client send shipment to a Customer ship-to but when truck reaches to the end customer inventory than they inform the business tha…
Using sourcing rules on drop shipment processSummary: We have implemented drop shipment process and some of the items are procured from multiple supplier sites. In that case we need to define these supplier sites o…
Exception occurred in WSH_BATCH_PROCESS.Generate_Shipment_Request_ESSSummary: Hi When we are submitting Generate_Shipment_Request ESS Job through OIC , we are getting below error and request is going into retrying state. Exception occurre…Mayur Mhetre 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Inventory Management
Sales Order Line status goes directly to closed without an invoice generatedSummary: Sales Order Line status goes directly to closed without an invoice generated, instead of being in 'Awaiting billing' first. Please suggest in this why without i…
Can an FBDI imported customer default contact and contact information in OM?Summary: Customer already imported a bunch of customers using FBDI, but they have noticed when selecting one of this customers they won't default contact or contact info…
How to copy the DFF/EFF data from Sales order header to Requisition Header DFFSummary: I have created EFF in the sales order & separate DFF in the requisition. I am trying to create a requisition form sales order using drop shipment. But the EFF c…