Inbound Logistics
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Is there a way to SPLIT LPN using rest API?Summary: We need to do SPLIT IBLPN using the rest API, I do see the SPLIT LPN for Replenishment rest API Content (required): Hi all, We need to split IBLPN using rest AP…
Display and Edit UOM Code in IB Shipment and Purchase Order UISummary: Display and Edit UOM Code in IB Shipment and Purchase Order UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wanted to inquire whether it wou…Anish Chandran 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Transfer order shipment is not creating ASN automatically in Destination FacilityThese configurations are in place: Facility parameter CREATE_FACILITY_TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_FOR_ALL must be Yes. Company parameter DEFAULT_TRANSFER_IBSHIPMENT_TYPE must be p…Gaurav Sinha-256357 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Do we have an Option to Cartonize and Undo Cartonize through Integration?Summary: Do we have an Option to Cartonize and Undo Cartonize through Integration in WMS Cloud from 3rd party applications or Mobile Apps. Content (please ensure you mas…Sravan Prasad B V 11 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Catch weight functionality in Oracle WMS CloudWe have a prospect who needs to capture variable weights of their receipts/goods. I would to confirm if Catch weight functionality is native and readily available in Ora…
How to auto receive ASNsWe receive ASNs from our suppliers and import them using the Inbound Shipment and IB Shipment Serial Nbr UI. These ASN files actually include each detail, such as LPNs, …Duygu Coskun 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Auto generating LPN number and Auto-printing LPN labelSummary: For RF module-Receive PO - Enter Qty, Screen parameter Print-Label is set to Inbound LPN label (for auto printing of LPN label once receiving completes) and LPN…
Return Receipts Process Purchase Order in WMSHi, There was a Purchase Order that got integrated to WMS and Receiving and Put away is done in WMS and GRN is reflecting in ERP. Now due to some reasons user has return…Ashraf Bilal.R 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Cancel PO linesSummary: There is a requirement from the warehouse team to cancel the PO lines if they are not needed for receiving in the future. This option is currently unavailable. …Tamer Group 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can we able to restrict the shipment based on shipment type in RF (inbound shipment )Summary: Can we able to restrict the shipment based on shipment type in RF (inbound shipment) As per business requirment , Is there any functionality or paramenter Can w…abishekh kumar rai 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Need the ability to mass split LPN's that are bulk receivedSummary: User need to receive entire quantity of Purchase order in a LPN and then bulk split the quantity into multiple LPNs. The user will be asked to enter the quantit…
Is there any way to restrict users from performing putaway before dock location scan?Requirement: During RF Inbound shipment receiving, users are advised to move the shipments into dock location first and then perform putaway. However, with the current s…Pullata Anitha 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Peptan-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Link equipment and putaway type/ ruleWe have a customer requirement to establish a link between equipment type and putaway type. Specifically, the customer needs the system to display the eligible IBLPNs fo…Aniket Kadam-235775 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Need to increase the filed length from 30 to 40 or 50 for the state in the vendor screenSummary: Hello Team, Currently the vendor file is having the max length limitation for the "State" is 30. Now the vendor is from DAMAN city which falls under the Union t…Bharath Mariappan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can the Multi-Item Putaway Method "Split into Active" be used with "Radial" Directed Putaway Method?Oracle Support - I posted this a couple of weeks ago but there is no response. Is the question unclear? Summary: Radial works fine for "LPN Putaway" but fails on RF scre…
Is it anyway possible to restrict the system not to verify the Shipments without shipment typeSummary: Sometimes, due to human error, the customer sends a shipment without a shipment type, and as of now, WMS does not prevent creating or verifying the shipment. Th…Syed Hanzla 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is it possible to check in a dock through the RF?Summary: Hi, Our customer asked for check in docks through the RF device previously to the Receiving process. Is it possible? I've been running some tests, no sucess. Th…
Identify Cross Dock POSummary: We are implementing cross dock receiving and sales orders. Cross dock sales orders are interfaced to WMS along with PO that has item. A new Receive PO rf screen…
How to restrict receiving multiple lot for same item in single LPN.Summary: How to restrict receiving multiple lot for same item in single LPN. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):Shipment has "ITEMA" in 2 line…Prashant Rathi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Integrated Batch number not populated in the RF receiving screenSummary: ASN is getting integrated from ERP with the following additional values Batch Number Attribute_a But, Attribute_b also enabled for all the items and it prompt t…Safarnad 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
ASN Print Label limitSummary: Currently, Print ASN Label allows to print maximum 5 copies. Is there any way to increase the number of copies that printer can print? Content (please ensure yo…
LPN created from Create LPN and Manual putaway from UI and RFSummary: Firstly, Manual put away from UI- LPN is created via module - Create LPN- LPN (LGFONLY) TO SAPC inv" and then using manual putaway from IBLPN UI. Second case- C…Harleen Saini 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Need to dispaly putaway type at the time of PalletizeSummary: We are facing issue to identify the "Putaway Type" while doing the Palletize transaction. In Warehouse,User does the palletize transaction after doing the recei…Dina12 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Peptan-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
What is the Label Designer field mapping for the IBLPN Received Quantity?Summary: The requirement is to input IBLPN received quantity in "Print Label" template. However, I am unable to find received quantity option in label designer "Column n…
Is it possible to capture comments while performing modify IBLPN transaction in WMS ?Summary: Our client wants to capture comments while performing the Modify IBLPN transaction in WMS. They are already using the reason code functionality, but additionall…Nikhil Chourasia 01-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Is there a receiving method that both item-based and back-end purchase orders are mapped?Is there a receiving method in Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud system that both item-based and back-end purchase orders are mapped? We want the system to use purchase …OMER.ALTUNTAS 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Receive lpn in drop location using APISummary: Currently we use the API "/lgfapi/v10/entity/iblpn/receive/" but this API requires that the parameter "recv_dock_nbr_or_location_barcode" must be fullfilled wit…
configure Oracle WMS to allow the Shipment Number to be user-defined during the creation Return ASNSummary: How can we configure Oracle WMS to allow the Shipment Number to be user-defined during the creation of a Return ASN? Specifically: Content (please ensure you ma…Ganesh_Somavanshi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can a Pallet be Locked ?Summary: Pallet to be Locked Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Pallet with multiple LPN's are available, can I Lock at one SINGLE GO by lock…Skylab Pavan Kumar Ch 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SaurabhGulati Warehouse Management
How to track stock located in active location belong to which Purchase order?Summary: We are using Active Locations in the warehouse. Once IBLPNs are placed in an Active Location, the IBLPN is consumed, and the information related to the Purchase…Nikhil Chourasia 01-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nikhil Chourasia 01-Oracle Warehouse Management