EPM Automate
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Are there guidelines for automated regression testing?Summary: As an organisation there is a big push to automate as many activities as possible, this includes various types of automated testing. For EDM, we would like to f…
Remove EDMCS "owner" user - consequencesSummary: Hi All, Situation: person who did the setup of our EDMCS application (subscriptions, views,...) is no longer part of the project. As the user credentials are no…DylanPauwels 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Enterprise Data Management
How to get Suscription request status from the outsideSummary: How to get Suscription request status from the outside Content (required): We make use of EDMCS as follows. Importing a file from an external server to a Dimens…Hisato Hirai 101 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
How to switch to the skipped regular EPM version from old versionSummary: I'd like to know how to switch to the skipped regular EPM version from old version Content (required): I'm using EDMCS. I've skipped the 22.10 update for our te…Hisato Hirai 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Can we generate a new request via EPM Automate ?Summary: We have requirement where client wants us to check whether it is possible to generate a request via EPM automate. If yes, then how can that be automated ? Conte…
Accessing uploaded file in EDMCS - EPM automateSummary: Hi all, I am encountering difficulties in retrieving a csv-file that I have uploaded to the inbox in EDMCS by an EPM automate script. I searched throughout the …DylanPauwels 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
EDMCS Shared member hierarchy to EPBCSContent Hello, We are using Out of Box connection with ERP GL for EDMCS we have created a view where ERP GL is my source and EPBCS is my target Now we need to push ERP G…
Clear Region IssueContent Here is something I noticed when building out a Clear Region in Data Exchange. I created a Clear Region to replace a Business Rule that ran a Clear thinking that…
How to leverage EDMCS to send files to SFTP server via automated processSummary Looking to leverage EPM automate or Rest API to send data to a SFTP SeverContent I have been looking at epm automate and rest APIs to help send dimension/mapping…Erik_Olson 58 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rahul Kamath-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Epmautomate file load notificationsSummary Notifications for epmautomate for files that do not loadContent Has anyone set up a notification for files that do not load into EPM via epmautomate? We have sev…Nicole Wilson-148378 57 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Simon Powell Enterprise Data Management
Run Extracts Using EPMAutomateSummary Is there an EPMAutomate command to run extracts to a file?Content Hello, we are looking to create an automated Extract to feed a file to a downstream system. The…Sky Gallagher Hannan 58 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Stuart.Porad Enterprise Data Management
Is there any to stop export the Node from view pointSummary we have a view point under that we have 4 top nodes , and we want to exclude one top node should not export while we are using the Export from EPM Automate.Conte…
Way to automate export from EDMCS to ERP ConnectionSummary Way to automate export from EDMCS to ERP ConnectionContent Hi All, Please help me in knowing the ways export from EDMCS to ERP Connection can be automated. It's …Abhishek Jain-159179 96 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rahul Kamath-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
REST API vs EPM Automate for EPM application operationsContent Hi All, There is a requirement from the client for which we would require a comparative study between REST API and EPM Automate as what are the Pros and Cons of …Abhishek Jain-159179 88 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sergei Pecherskyy-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
How to bring budget data from EPM to back to Oracle GL and where to store that so that we can use thSummary How to bring budget data from EPM to back to Oracle GL and where to store that so that we can use the budget data in the FRS report out of GLContent Our requirem…Sam Samaddar 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rahul Kamath-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Good news! The Enterprise Data Management Development team listened to your feedback and delivered 2Summary Read about new featuresContent Read the full descriptions of new features here Below is a summary of the 20 features 1. Collaborate with Users on Requests in Sub…
EDMCS, script import to dimension from flat fileSummary Script to import a file to dimension in EDMCSContent Hi, We are setting up EDMC, and I can manually import a file into a dimension, it is simple enough and works…
EDM capabilitiesSummary EDM capabilitiesContent Hello, I am working on one of the requirement on EDM. I am newbie for EDM. I have few doubts on EDM for which i need clarification. * Is …Hemen Shah-90655 92 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Rahul Kamath-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
EDMCS Integration to EBusiness SuiteSummary Querying for the availability of connection between EDMCS and E-BizContent All, Would you please advise if we have an out of the box connectivity/integration (or…Dinish Unnikrishnan-194726 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rahul Kamath-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Workbench data excel extraction for 12 months data in one button as an optionSummary 12 months workbench excel extraction in one buttonContent Hi All, I know for sure those who all are working in DM, they do face this dilemma of data extraction f…Iqbal Merchant 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tony Scalese-76114 Enterprise Data Management