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How to apply TextFiltering in SDP Variable ?Summary: I have a select one component which displays list of Supplier Number. When I type in the number in box , the filtering works fine when I bind the ADP variable t…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 82 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
select single not populating in ADP table.Summary: I have an ADP table in which one of the columns is a Select-Single template. The select-Single has a CollectionTemplate as Table. When the data loads in the tab…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
How to use raw value event for select single or combo boxSummary: I have a query where we need to use select single or combo box when user enters or press keys runtime we pass raw value(search with raw value like lov) to our r…
How to configurable delay in search for a Type Ahead Search Component?Summary: I have a Search Component that shows suggestions to the user as he types. I want to add a delay to the service call. Content (required): Currently, I am using r…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetham Kumar-Oracle Visual Builder
Easy way to show country flag icons in VBSummary: Please, I would like help in case anyone has shown icons with the country flag in VB. To improve the UI would be much better to show an icon/image than showing …
Drag & Drop columns - TableSummary: There is an example where we can drag rows into a different table or re-order rows. Is it possible to re-order columns when data is loaded into table via SDP Co…
Create dynamic checkbox with javascript and generate events.Summary: Content (required): I need to create a checkbox list based on some values that an integration returns. I've tried it with Javascript, but I don't know how to …
Title in oj-tableSummary: Please, I need help with a small thing. I would need the title as shown here: in the headers of my table: I can see the buble-title, but I have not found where …
Editable Table - Updating the ADP Removes the RowSummary: Hi, I am following this blog to create an editable table: I have followed every step properly but whenever I try to update a row, the row simply disappears from…
Is it possible to display only month and year in oj-input-date fields???Summary: Content (required): Hi All, I have an requirement in my project that is. Is it possible to display only month and year in oj-input-date fields? Please refer bel…
Filepicker & Procurement Attachment REST API - VBCSSummary: How to user filepicker in VBCS? I want to use PO Attachment REST api to attach any file(s) attached on filepicker to SaaS for specific PO Header ID. Content (re…
CSS : ApplicationsCloudUI-7.0.1 : Navigation DrawerSummary: Hi Team , we have created the web application with "Navigation Drawer" template and it is working fine with Redwood theme which is default one. But, when we imp…
String containing XML to ADPSummary: Hello, I would thank any help with the following. In VB I get an XML (after a decode64) string like this: 44 AA 33 BB I would need to know the steps to co…
How to close current browser tabSummary: Actually I am try close current browser tab using button and action chain via call module function. Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
I want to Learn VBCS , Please help me with the Learning pathwaysSummary I want to Learn VBCS , Please help me with the Learning pathwaysContent Hello Everyone, I'm an Oracle E-Business Suite Technical Consultant who holds good knowle…User_2025-01-31-01-04-33-378 119 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Khalid Mahmood Visual Builder
Caching for REST APIs in VBSummary Caching for REST APIs in VBContent Hi All, I went through one beautiful blog from Shay on caching the BOs in VB,this is really good to know.…
Unable to get multiselect rows table data SDP basedSummary: Hi, I am using multi row select based table and when user select the multiple rows then on button press I want to call post rest service and insert those select…
Visual Builder Application Extension change stylesSummary: I want to modify the default css or link a new one to override the default. Content (required): Hello, I'm making some developments usign the new option to make…
MultiSelect LOV in VBCSSummary: Hi Team, Do we have any examples for MultiSelect LOV in VBCS? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add …
Newbie: how to check Null variableSummary: Hi, I have a JS function which get value from text boxes and construct a Where clause of REST q parameter. Now how to check if any parameter has NULL value the …
Redwood Stripe Starter Application variables are not accessible?Summary: When creating a Redwood Strip Starter Application errors stating $page and $application are undefined. Content (required): When creating a default VBCS web appl…
Size in columns table go crazySummary: Hello, Please, I need help with the following: I have a master-detail with 2 tables. I have noticed when rows in master do not fit in size (more than 4 records)…
Combo box issue.Summary: Hello, Please, I would like your help with the following. I have a simple combo described bellow, for YES/NO values. The issue is that the user can type anythin…
Bar chart shows only limited data (for me...)Summary: Hi all, I would thank you for your support for the following: I try to show a bar chart with more than 10 records but only 8-10 are shown. Content (required): N…
Disable multiselect row in SDP based table on conditionSummary: How can we disable a below row for multi-selection so that when user selects in bulk this row would not get selected we have to restrict selection of this row. …
Combobox Many Input from External ValuesSummary: Copy Data from an Excel and use it as Input in a "Combobox (Many)" Content (required): Hi experts, I have a Combobox (Many) in my Web App and the user wants to …
VBCS mobile app - offline Persistence toolkit - Best Practices and LimitationsSummary: Hi , My client wants offline capability features similar to Mobile Field Service (MFS) on Oracle VBCS Mobile apps. Will we be able to achieve this using Oracle …
Frozen columns not working in Oracle SaaS R13 Light ThemeSummary: I need the Frozen Table Columns property with projects with VBCS using Oracle SaaS R13 Light Theme to work. Content (required): I have been working on projects …
Editable table in Oracle Visual Builder Cloud ServiceSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to create a editable table in Oracle visual builder cloud service. 1). created a rest endpoint to fetch records from database table. 2). cr…