Discussion List
Error Handling in VBCSSummary Is there any way to handle exception in action chains similar to try-catch block in Java?Content If I run an action chain and there is an error thrown at middle …
What is the best way to do pagination on Table in VBCS ?Summary: Need to do pagination on a table which will show 10 columns at a time on a VBCS page in a table Content (required): Need to do pagination on a table which will …
Problems with date conversionSummary: Content (required): The oj-input-date component is delaying the date by one day in the view. The problem also occurs when I use the same component in a form to …
search/filter data on table with for required columns based on custom service dataSummary: search/filter data on table with for required columns based on custom service data Content (required): We have a client requirement like to search(auto suggesti…
Wizard for CRUD operations in business objects when navigate back resets main page.Summary: When navigating back from edit page generated by wizard the work the user has done in main page is reset. Content (required): Please I would like help from expe…
Default Managed Schema Issue, its creating new schema for every instanceSummary: Default managed Schema creating new schemas while migrating the vbcs application from one instance to another. Content (required): Hi All, In one of my project …
How to optimize the searh on single select component in VBCSHi all, I'm having problems with search performance using the oj-select-single component. When the user types something, the component brings the results, but it takes l…
Read File/Download File Button in VBCS PageSummary: I have to make a download file button in my VBCS page. I wrote one integration which brings the binary content of the file in the response body. But when I call…
Version repeat in Visual BuilderSummary: Version repeat in Visual Builder Content (required): I am trying to import a project from environment 1 to environment 2. The environment 2 had an older version…
Dialog window is not popupSummary: Content (required): Hello everyone, I am using the Dialog component but for some reason it is not showing as Pop-up like before. It is being displayed as if it …
Embeddable Process UI Components (CCA) are not compatible with the latest JET versionSummary: Embeddable Process UI Components (CCA) are not compatible with the latest JET version Content (required): Hello, We are using VBCS to access PCS business proces…
Export to excel issue with decimalsSummary: Hi All, Export to excel with oj-sample-export-data component with "format="plain" csv compatibility is dropping zero's before and after decimals . Example : Exp…Parimavardini Palanisamy 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
How to get or print the Oracle Visual Builder's Server IP Address in VBCS application UISummary: How to get the Oracle Visual Builder's Server IP Address in VBCS application UI Content (required): Hi All, I am need to get the Server IP address of the Oracle…
How to check if a column of a table has a value?Summary: Content (required): I have some columns that may or may not contain value in the rows of a table. In the image below in the TRAKING_FIELD2 column, only one line…
Is there any feature to group columns in a header of a table?Summary: Content (required): I have a table (oj-table) and I need to group columns in the header like the example below: The header title is not being returned in my SDP…
Does oj-form-layout have any event which can track whether a field in its slot was updated?Summary: Content (required): I have an application which has multiple oj-form-layouts. Each form layout has a few fields in its slot and each of them has a read-only fie…
oj-select-single driven from ADP search filter with "StartsWith"Summary: Single select driven from ADP by default provides search with "Contains" . Can we modify the search filter to "StartsWith" instead of the default behavior. Do w…Parimavardini Palanisamy 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Parimavardini Palanisamy Visual Builder
Seconds selector in <oj-input-date-time>Summary: Content (required): Hi Team, by default shows only Hour and Minute Selection. Is there a way to get the seconds also to be selected ? Version (include the vers…
Multiselect table function getRowsForIDs is not working correctlySummary: Hi all, I am facing 1 issue when the application loads and the user selects table row (table having action chain multirow selection) then getRowsForIDs function…
How to export data into word document using VBCSSummary: I've a requirement where I've to export the data of a SDP/ADP into a word document in the structure of table, Could someone please help me in achieving this in …
Computed Table not calculating Total column value correctlySummary: The values of two columns should be calculated and stored in third column in a table. Content (required): Hi All, I have a requirement where the values of two c…
Help needed with oj-sp-attachment and oj-sp-attachment-viewerSummary: Hello, Can anyone provide me with the documentation or tutorial on how to use the oj-sp-attachment and oj-sp-attachment-viewer? I have gone through the answer p…
Unable to update the table using Fire data providerSummary: Error while updating editable table to new data. Content (required): Hi, I have defined the ADP to get the data for a table and making it editable , while updat…
Boolean Checkbox IssueSummary: Boolean Checkbox Issue Content (required): Hi All, Added two Boolean Checkbox in Editable Table . Its is storing same value for next row as previous one as Acti…
Input Search component does not respond in mobile View.Summary: We have embedded our VBCS application in oracle fusion. Input search box works fine in web view but does not respond in mobile view. As I click on the input se…
is there a recipe in vbcookbook for reading excel file on uploadSummary: Hi Experts Is there a recipe in vbcookbook or ojet cookbook where Oracle has demonstrated how to upload excel file and post which the contents will be displayed…
Data Grid - Jet Cookbook - how to implement in VBCS 19.1.3Summary Data Grid - add to VBCSContent Hello, I would like to add the Jet Cookbook Data Grid to a VBCS application because I believe it would be a lot easier to manage t…
Settings not opening screen in Redwood TemplatesSummary: Create an VBCS app on OIC using the redwood template ( 22.07) and once the default app is created, if you go to the settings on the top right of the hamburger n…
Select single filter parameter vs combobox filter paramSummary: Hi Team, This is a observation that whenever we are selecting filter attributes in select single component it is just concatenating a "name%" at the end whereas…
Embeded DB in VBCS instanceSummary: If I have application with some complicated logics but the DB will not be that big? which one is better to ORDS and integration with SaaS and use DB tables or k…