Discussion List
How to Display the Data both in English and Spanish LanguageSummary: We have a requirement to Display the Header and the Table Data both in English and Spanish Language. Can anybody Please share any Sample App for reference. Cont…
how to add multiple AND condition on filter criteria using SDPSummary: Hi Facing challenge while filtering the SSP(BO) table based on multiple search parameter. Scenario we have 5 search parameter now user enter only 1 or 2 paramet…
i have a query about CSS for label value oracle JET component.Summary: I'm trying to align the label value but its not responsive for example if i minimize the screen label value css does not work properly. Please guide which class…
Need unique values in select-one LOV SDP basedSummary: Hi, I am using select-one component invoking data from SDP variable I want distinct/unique list showing in drop down. currently its showing all data please sugg…
Import core pack components into VBCSSummary: How to import OJET core components into VBCS app. Content (required): Hi Team, In my web application, I have an use case to display checkboxes next to the selec…
Auto resize select single componentSummary: Hi, we have a requirement where the user wants to auto-resize the select single component based on the length size of the selected value. screenshot for referen…
How can we change the standalone application background color and fonts similar to Oracle fusion appSummary: We have created a standalone VB application and have registered into Oracle fusion SaaS application - Product change order page. But the application background …
CSS not adjusting when using switching to second display its not auto resizing with display sizeSummary: Hi a lot of customers raising concerns when they are using a second display the screen size is not auto-adjusting (auto enlarge in size or auto resolution) disp…
Lov Shows duplicate valuesSummary: Select Single LOV showing duplicate values Content (required): I have 2 Lov's, the value for second lov depends on the first lov selection. I have an action cha…
Client side filter in table column for not null valueSummary: I am using table with ADP data and using ojlistdataproviderview to do client side filter. It's working fine. But user wants to filter column for null value. wan…
Not able to load/preview certain pages in designerSummary Some pages won't load in designer, although they seem to function when running the web application.Content Situation We've built a web application in Visual Buil…Ronald Konijnenberg 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to Hide a Column HeaderSummary: We are fetching the single row Data for only for one field and storing it using SDP and Displaying it in a table. We want to Hide the Header of the Field in the…
Fire Data Provider event is failing to update the Array Data ProviderSummary Fire Data Provider event is failing to update the Array Data ProviderContent We are working on editable table and add row functionality. While invoking the "Fire…
Default value for oj-input-numberSummary: Is there any way we can default initial value for oj-input-number and once user change it should save the change value else save the default value Content (requ…
Remove/Delete the uploaded CSV FileSummary: We are uploading CSV File to Object Storage (Bucket) using PUT method. Is there as script to Remove the same File Uploaded to the Bucket? Content (required): Ve…
How can we set Select (Many) field height to fixed size and restrict from resizingSummary: We have created a form with Select (Many) column and assigned list of values using REST api. When we select values from LOV, the field is expanding (auto sizing…
VBCS -Table in Popup-how to show recs more than 200cnt source as REST API and add wildcard search.Summary: VBCS - Need how to show records more than 200 cnt having source as REST API and how to add a wildcard search on the table data. Could you please let me know how…
VBCS - Select (Many) - how to have list of values more than 200 count source as REST APISummary: VBCS - For Select (Many) component, How can we have list of values more than 200 count from REST API source? Can you please let me know Content (required): Vers…
oj-sp-list-section sample data/type.Summary: Please, I need your help. I am not a jet expert, so sometimes I need help with basic things. I would like to know the format/type of the data to include in this…
How to add more icons to Icon Gallery?Summary: Content (required): I wan to add some custom icons to Icon Gallery apart from what Redwood theme provides: Can someone tell me how to do this? Version (include …
How to lock a record to prevent multiple users working on the same transaction recordSummary: Lock a record to prevent another user is opening the same transaction record. Show a popup stating another person is already working on the same transaction. Re…
Display the File Name in Drag and Drop in File PickerSummary: How to Display the Selected File Name in Drag and Drop in File Picker Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snipp…
Data Transfer in Data Grid is not workingSummary: Data Transfer in Data Grid is not working Content (required): We enabled data transfer options(cut copy paste) in data grid and trying to add a custom event on-…
How to populate dynamic table with ADP variableSummary: Hi Experts Almost all the blogs and videos I have watched are making use of quick start method to populate the details in Dynamic table which is creating SDP va…
Validator for Input-Text and Input-Date to show it as Required Field on Clicking SaveSummary: Validator for Input-Text and Input-Date to show it as Required Field on Clicking Save Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
Issues with OJ-BIND-IFSummary: Hello Forum, I am displaying/hiding certain set of fields based on selection of a Select single rendering putting oj-bind-if around those components w…
Issue Adding and Saving data to BO.Summary: Can anybody Please advise on this? We are Fetching the data from Oracle Cloud BIP Report using the OIC Service Connection and posting the data to a BO using VBE…
Can we Save the CSV File Data on to the Editable Page instead of the BOSummary: We are following the BDP Recipe to make the page editable and insert the data and Save it there. We are not storing the data to a BO We are then following the f…
How to Upload a CSV File to an ArraySummary: How to Upload a CSV File to an Array instead of a BO Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code …