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Hide Skip section toolbar on oj-sp-section componentHi , I am using oj-sp-section component. Can somebody please a dvice me on how to avoid this toolbar to be shown whenever i press tab key??
How to find pages that Oracle made it with VBCS ?Summary: I want to know where i can find new responsive page that Oracle made it with VBCS and enter to edit it in VBCS
Card object with pointer (hand). Need to hide it.Summary: Hi, please experts. My user is complaining because the pointer is shown in a card, as shown (the screenshot is not able to capture the hand pointer but it is al…
Form layout displays a space if we use if condition to display input fields in the form layout VBCSSummary: I am displaying a form layout and I want to display the field only if there is a any value in it. But when I use
VB Studio- Table Component not visible completely without zooming out the page.Summary: We have a table component with data set as ADP. We also have Pagination associated with this table. We are unable to see the table completely without zooming ou…
Visual Builder - for Each running in parallel modeSummary: I have created a VB extension and have some custom logic based on forEach. I have some complex logic inside ForEach but even though I have set the mode as "Seri…
Message Banner on Center of Page in Redwood TemplateSummary: We have a requirement to display the Message banner of the fire notification just below the Welcome Page Template in the VB App. As of now the Message is gettin…
SDP variable not resetting from action chainSummary: My SDP already has data. Now I want to reset the SDP when user clicks next record. In the action chain for click, I have resetted the SDP and then called Refres…
Excel file upload best practices and limitationSummary: Hi All, We are building a web application to provide user the ability to upload excel file and eventually extract the data to dump it into ATP tables.Do we have…
How to Make Records Editable in a Dynamic Table After Uploading Through File Picker in VBCS?Hi VBCS Community, I'm working on a project where I need to upload a file using the File Picker component and display the data from the file in a table. I followed the V…
Open Hyperlink from Shell page Concatenated with the VBCS PageSummary: How to Open the emp-detail page Hyperlink from the VBCS Page URL using on Click Event : We have added this Hyperlink in the Root pages →Shell Page as below . Bu…
Steps to implement Mentions feature using Rich Text Editor in VBCSSummary: Anyone implemented the Mentions feature using Rich Text Editor (oj-sp-input-rich-text-2) in VBCS, please help. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
oj-c-select-multiple component behaves different from the cookbookSummary: Hi, I am implement oj-c-select-multiple component, but when i select any values from drop-down first and then try to search other values are typing it in compon…
Download div with vbSummary: Please, I would thank any help with my javascript in vb. I would like to be able to download and print 2 divs, as shown. I have imported the libraries and tried…
How to format Time type in built in export buttonSummary: There is a column that is time type and i want to format it from T12:00:00 to 12:00 when exporting a table to excel file from built in export button
How to Join the Result of Multiple REST APIs GET Method in Visual BuilderSummary: How to Join the Result of Multiple External REST APIs GET Method as a single page table data in Visual Builder We have the Employee Details in one API and Manag…
How to Copy Actions Chains(Vb Enter Event) from One VB App to Another VB AppSummary: How to Copy Actions Chains (vbEnter Event) from One VB App to Another VB App and also from One Page to another Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Aligning one of the input text below another input textSummary: @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar @Mohammed Galal I need to align Approved Net Capex exactly below Approved Capex Can you please guide me on this which class I need t…
Default a Value for Only for Specific Row using Select Single LOVSummary: We have 2 Values for a LOV Y and N for a Field named Eligibility which has 4 Rows named Row1, Row2, Row3 and Row4 from a SDP Table for each employee. We want to…
How to Validate Input Text Field of BOSummary: We have Requirement where for Each Employee we need to allow to Edit /Update a Field named Component which has 3 rows Component 1, Comonent1 and Component3 . Wh…
How to Change the Template of Existing VB Application to Redwood Pages TemplateSummary: We have requirement to Change the Existing VB Application which is based on Empty Template to Redwood Pages Template. Any Inputs on How to achieve this? Content…
How to Restrict BO Records for which transaction is already done /UpdatedSummary: We are fetching the data of BO through a User Name Page URL Parameter and Updating Certain Records available under that User Name in the Page. We are looking to…
Issue with Fire data provided event in Editable tableSummary: Recently we have upgraded our application. We are using editable tables in our application. Our table data source is flow level ADP variable. In 'ojBeforeRowEdi…
Twinkle03-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Koda V V Satya Sai Surya Ramakrishna Visual Builder
single select filter is not working.Summary I have added single select component in which i am populating data from SDP. from ORDS i'm getting the data but since only up to 50 rows are getting populated fo…Pawanjit Kaur 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Koda V V Satya Sai Surya Ramakrishna Visual Builder
Case insensitive Filter criteria on SDPSummary Case insensitive Filter criteria on SDPContent Hi, I have created a LOV usingVBCS Learner-230793 258 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Koda V V Satya Sai Surya Ramakrishna Visual Builder
Can't make oj-input-date-time conditionally required or non-required.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have an oj-input-date-time field which I want to make conditionally required based on the W…