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facing error while saving the time from oj-input-time component.Summary: Component:- From Time error:- REST API QUERY FOR SAVE THE…
Unable to update child tables using VBCS Excel pluginWe have created ORDS API as per below format to perform CRUD operations for parent and child tables in a single click of a button (VBCS plugin) from Excel sheet. We were…Mukesh Sai Pabbisetty-Oracle 13 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Mukesh Sai Pabbisetty-Oracle Visual Builder
Fetching error in Offline capability of VBCSSummary:I have tried Offline capability in VBCS in my application. After clicking on refresh,in Online it is working.But When i switched to offline mode I'm getting an e…
ORDS transform function to Filter LOVSummary: ORDS transform function to Filter LOV Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, I am using ORDS as source of data for all the LOV's…
VB Excel add-in - Adding records to Local Data SourcesSummary: Currently adding records in the Local data source is troublesome and not user friendly. It is ok for few records however for large number of records doing it 1 …
I'm getting blocked aria-hidden error and app.css properties are not applied on the componentsSummary: Hi Experts I'm getting blocked aria-hidden error and app.css properties are not applied on the components in my page. why this error comes and how to avoid, ple…
Announcement: Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel: version 4.3 releasedI am pleased to announce that version 4.3 of the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel (VBAFE) has been released publicly on You can download the add-in via …
Announcement: Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel: version 4.2 releasedI am pleased to announce that version 4.2 of the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel (VBAFE) has been released publicly on You can download the add-in via …
When defining backend can't find its REST Api?Summary: I will list what i did in steps: 1- I defined backend for OIC 2- I went to service to choose and pressed add button then chose define from catalog and didn't fi…
Is it possible to use BDP in row-expander?Summary: Implementing Row Expander Table with Load More on Scroll in ORDS API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I am working on imp…
Getting error while using Oracle Integration REST APISummary: When configuring the Oracle Integration REST API in service connection getting an error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are u…
How to dynamically add "integrationInstance" parameter to VBCS API calls to OIC Gen3?I have a VBCS application that connects to the factory OIC API for administrative tasks that the OIC admin UI doesn't handle well. This application was initially written…
Displaying Contacts for a Specific Account in Oracle Sales Cloud Using VBCS ComponentHow can I display only the contacts associated with a specific account in Oracle Sales Cloud using a VBCS component? Any suggestions on how to do this, as well as a poss…
weblogicSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTEDSummary: Hi team I am implementing a PWA application for physical inventory count. However, since it is a tablet application, it is common for the internet connection to…
Unsupported media type error for POST call from VBCSSummary: Hi, We have an oic endpoint with POST operation which we are invoking from vbcs. When testing the endpoint url in postman it is working fine but not working fro…
How to deselect row using oj-table in oracle vbcs?Summary: Hi All, Content (required): I m facing table row deselection issue in my application. in the table, there is one record when i going to edit this record for fir…
Recommended option to connect to ATP DB from VBCS - Tenant DB or ORDSHi Team, We are using VBCS(comes with OIC) for building some complex UI extension. As the volume of data would be high, we'll be using ATP DB connectivity to store the d…
Send CSV file to the OIC REST Service as a request payload from VBCSI have requirement where I need to send a csv file format to a Post type OIC REST Service as a request payload from VBCS on button click. Can anyone please share what sh…
How to Clear/Delete the data in ArrayDataProviderSummary How to Clear/Delete the data in ArrayDataProviderContent I have search form where I have 2 buttons where one is Search and another one is Purge. Search will sear…
how to stop SDP getting triggered when a value change in an arraySummary: Hi Team, We have created an array variables with around 10 data type objects as part of our requirement. We have created form and used oj-bind-for each to displ…
VBCS Table is not getting blank on Reset if Pagination is on (loadmoreonscroll)Summary: I have requirement where I have to blank the table on Reset button. I am using SDP to display rows and have loadmoreonscroll option and height : 300px ; style s…
Best way to handle more than 50000 records in select singleSummary: Best way to handle more than 50000 records in select single Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, In our VBCS application, w…
How to create SDP variable based on nested JSONSummary: How to create an SDP variable based on nested JSON Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, I have the JSON payload and I need …
Unable to sort table column after customizing SDP fetchSorting tables columns used to work before customized the SDP fetch. (In my customization code, I call a BO to check if the values that I'm getting from my SDP exist in …
502 Bad Gateway FunctionInvokeImageNotAvailable when calling Pre-Built Function from VBSummary: Hi! I'm following Shay's blog … With the tenancy admin ID, I created a new VCN, pr…
Pagination control table using SDPSummary: Our Client requirement has to build the pagination using next button instead of scrolling to load the data. Client want to see 20 rows of data at one screen and…
VB Excel add-in - hubOrganizations LOV extracts invalid records.Summary: A duplicate/invalid customer (Same Name, different Party number) is being picked in the request payload of the Sales Order creation REST API salesOrdersForOrder…
Filtering in Select single as I type is not workingSummary: filtering in Select single as I type is not working for fusion REST API I'm calling the REST API to get the list of suppliers in the Fusion App on my single sel…
How to deploy Visual Builder App in Tomcat Server With Oauth enabled ORDSSummary: Hi everyone, I have reffered this blog I have moved a VB application to a Tomcat server on my local machi…