Discussion List
Is it possible to create a custom page for knowledge articlesSummary Knowledge articles pageContent Hello, Is it possible to create a custom page for knowledge articles along with attachments. Some fields we are able to get but we…
Displaying VBCS Application as Mashup contentSummary Inability to display VBCS Application as Mashup contentContent Hi Team, I have been trying to display a Staged VBCS Application as Mashup content in Contact but …
How to download file of any format from sql developer table via VBCSSummary How to download file of any format from sql developer table,saved as type clob via VBCSContent I need to download files with all formats which were saved as data…
Moving the selected boolean row to first record in the tableSummary Selected row should be moved as first row in the next pageContent Hi All, We have 2 pages, first page has a table with the first column as boolean select. As use…
Format for Passing q ParameterSummary Format for Passing q Parameter in Call REST API Component in Action chain.Content Hi guys, Hope you are all doing well. I wanted to know how to pass value into t…
Uploading .csv(or .excel) file to VBCS tableSummary Update the existing records/append to the existing table using fileContent Dear All, I have a very strange requirement, really don't know whether that would be f…
How can we build an upload/download functionality for images in VBCS?Summary Which approach to use for building an upload download functionality for imagesContent Hi guys, what is the best approach to build an upload/download functionalit…
502 Bad Gateway in EDIT pageContent We are using SaaS Custom objects using Rest APIs . We are able to successfully test PUT in Postman as well as while creating service connections in VBCS. When we…rahul jaiswal GSC-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Visibility Control Based on ConditionSummary Page Access Based on GeographyContent Hi Team, We have a page in VBCS which should be visible for accounts of a particular geographical area. ie, The contents of…
Not able to connect to Fusion SaaS application via service catalog optionSummary After creating backends and servers, still not able to connect to Fusion SaaS application via service catalog option.Content Hello Guru's, I am trying to connect…
Is it possible to create a custom page for knowledge articlesSummary Knowledge Articles Custom PageContent Hello, Is it possible to create a custom page containing list of knowledge articles along with title and answers and attach…
Downloading AttachmentsSummary Downloading Attachments from OEC instanceContent Hi team, Hope you are all doing well in these times. Im trying to access attachments in OEC instance via REST AP…
Problem with creating custom headerSummary I am facing 400 Bad request to call Rest API's through custom headerContent Hello, We are trying to call Akamai Rest API's in vbcs. Inorder to call Rest API's we…
Multiple Links in Table column for a StringSummary Need to make a hyper links for a StringContent I have a requirement to make a hyperlink of a String in the table column i am able to make the whole string as hyp…
Get random row from Business object table via REST API callSummary How to get randon row from table through rest api callContent Hi All, I have a Business Object table created with 50 records in it, I am able to call REST endpoi…
Oracle PaaS - Fusion App - Federated SSOSummary Oracle PaaS - Fusion App - Federated SSOContent Hi All, We are trying to achieve Federated SSO between our Fusion App and Oracle PaaS VBCS. We have two IDCS inst…Gokulnath Muruganantham-184698 47 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aparna Gaonkar-Oracle Visual Builder
Sites child and suppliers in the same table using suppliers rest apiSummary Trying to fetch the sites data in the same table as a suppliers using suppliers rest-apiContent Hi when I tried to Apply this blog…
Associate VBCS to a Database in private SubnetContent We are planning to bring our our DB in to VBCS as mentioned in a blog ( Does the DB bei…
LOV to show the code on editSummary Combo-one issueContent Hi , I am facing issue to show the data in LOV. I have 2 pages one is create and other is search. in the create page we have some LOV's. f…
Getting error while trying to navigate trough custom drop down listSummary Getting error while trying to navigate trough custom drop down listContent 1. The application developed in test environment and then import in prod environment w…
Connecting VBCS to ORDS with self-signed certificates for DevelopmentSummary ORDS and VBCS rest connectivity is throwing below errorContent Hi, I have followed below blog post to achieve the VBCS and ORDS connectivity using Self-signed ce…
Oracle VBCS - Call Rest Endpoint - Lifecycle Event - VbBeforeEnterSummary Issue in Accessing REST endpoint from VbBeforeEnter Life Cycle Event. 404 not found errorContent Hi ,I am trying to call a REST endpoint in Life Cycle Event (VbB…Gokulnath Muruganantham-184698 16 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to limit the number of records in a data tableSummary How to limit the number of records in a data tableContent Hello All, I would like to know in VBCS how to limit the number of rows in vbcs table. My use case is t…
Getting the filter non-case sensitiveSummary How can i get the filter on a sdp non-case sensitive?Content Hi guys, At the moment i have made a filter on a field of a ServiceDataProvider (based on a Rest ser…
Getting 'CORS' error when trying to invoke the REST api (ORDS) from VBCSSummary When we are trying to register a service connection by endpoint in VBCS we are facing 'CORS issue' for some of us.Content When we are trying to register a servic…Soumodeep Mallick-223143 139 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
what is the road map for vbcsContent Hi All, Can you please explain the road map of vbcs. Regards, Shakila MuruganShakila Murugan-90549 47 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Using Rest API - post. How to get out param in VBCSSummary Rest Api created using oracle db / ordsContent Hello All, I would like to know to get a return parameter from a POST rest api in Oracle VBCS. I am using Oracle t…
How to filter results of one SDP from anotherSummary How to filter results of one SDP from anotherContent I have a an application that is using an Oracle Fusion Applications ERP REST endpoint to retrieve a list of …
Manually Configuring a ComboBoxContent Hi, I tried following the steps mentioned in this blog but couldn't load details into the Combo box. Developer tools are not showing anything as well. However, I…
How to capture response of a process in VBCSSummary How to capture response of a process in VBCSContent How to capture response of a process in VBCS?