Discussion List
LOV in VB Excel add-inSummary: We need to put 3-4 list of values for a field so that User can select from the same while uploading Content (required): I went through the Oracle docs but its m…
OJ-SELECT-SINGLE equivalent for detail.trigger == "option_selected"Content We are in process of migrating from OJ-SELECT-ONE to OJ-SELECT-SINGLE. One of the main filters that we have in any value change actions in Select One is detail.t…
I want to replace word in string 6005.102.005 to 6005102005Content Q1.I am getting string from rest service showing in dialog box i want to replace "6005.102.005" dot from desired "6005102005". Q2.when I press submit button from…
Check the resources is available in VB applicationContent Hi Team, Is there any in-built way to check the resource available in VB app or not. My requirement is display the image saved in resource folder based on the re…User_2025-02-11-11-37-24-835 22 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-11-37-24-835 Visual Builder
Issue while navigating back input parameter wipe off in vbcsContent Hi when i go from page 1 to page 2 after giving input parameter 1 then parameter 2 then press submit if I come back to page 1 by pressing back navigation button …
Read to CSV file using file pickerSummary Read to CSV file using file pickerContent Hi everyone, I have to use the file selector to read a csv file and then insert it into a database. The component is d…
Values stored in $ variable.Content Hi All, While providing support for an VBCS application I came across some '$' in the Shell page and cannot figure out where it came …
DCS: call API only after login successfulSummary DCS: call API only after login successfulContent Hi All, We have created a sample DCS app and added few links in the shell template. In the shell, there is actio…
VBCS: Generate some section of page in PDFSummary VBCS: Generate some section of page in PDFContent Hi All, We have few sections in the page, want to export one section which has a few fields and also a table in…
input text field value validate for special charactersSummary oj-input-text validate for special charactersContent I have a requirement to restrict the user from entering a special character in the input text field. Current…
VBCS: Tab out from table edit is not triggering "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" action chain but with mouseSummary VBCS: Tab out from table edit is not triggering "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" action chain but with mouseContent Hi All, We are facing a very strange issue with ADP "ojBe…
VBCS: inputNumber with max and min values - throw error if exeeds max valueSummary VBCS: inputNumber with max and min values - throw error if exeeds max valueContent Hi All, We have one editable ADP based table, in which one column value is edi…
Sorting ADP columns (table) wiith Header templates included in itSummary Sorting ADP columns (table) wiith Header templates included in itContent Hi All, We were trying to add sorting property for all the columns in ADP based table, i…
Uppercase: query parameter value in API from Visual BuilderSummary Uppercase: query parameter value in API from Visual BuilderContent Hi All, I have an input text (inpVar) and the API with 10 attributes, out of which Name attrib…
Is there any time limit for any API calls or the browser limit in Visual Builder Applications?Summary Is there any time limit for any API calls or the browser limit in Visual Builder Applications?Content Hi All, Wanted to know few things, 1. Is there any time lim…
Add $ to only non zero values in number column in oj-tableSummary Add $ to only non zero values in number column in oj-tableContent Hi All, I have used below template for one column in the table,
Executing action chain before export data and get the latest results in the exported csv fileSummary Executing action chain before export data and get the latest results in the exported csv fileContent Hi All, Our curret design is that we have 2 buttons, one whi…
oj-sample-export-data - columns data is shifting to left if one column has null valueSummary oj-sample-export-data - columns data is shifting to left if one column has null valueContent Hi All, I have a very strange issue with oj-sample-export-data compo…
Files getting corrupted after downloading from CEC through VBCSSummary Files getting corrupted after downloading from CEC through VBCSContent Hi All, We have a use case where we upload and download files from CEC using VBCS. We are …
How to take row id by click on Gantt Chart item.Content When I click on Gantt Chart task item, I need to take its Id and selected row data. I tried many way but it didn't work.Please find attached image for reference.…User_2025-02-11-11-37-24-835 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-11-37-24-835 Visual Builder
Button not working in Firefox Browser.Content Hi all, In VBCS application i have an search page, which works fine in chrome browser when i click on search button. But it's not working for the very first time…User_2025-02-11-11-37-24-835 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
defaulting oj-combobox-many value on page loadSummary defaulting oj-combobox-many value on page loadContent Hi All, For oj-combobox-one -> assign variable is working fine to default the value and it is working fine …
Is there a way to get the current session ID when we run VB app?Summary Is there a way to get the current session ID when we run VB app?Content Hi All, I want to know if there is a way to get the current user session ID when we run t…
Sum of values in a column along with text Total in oj-tableSummary Sum of values in a column along with text Total in oj-tableContent Hi All, I have an ADP based table which has 10 columns, out of which 2 columns are quantity an…
Input Text Value Change ValidationSummary Input Text Value Change ValidationContent I have following scenario 1. Input Text(ID: UserID), defined Value Change Action Chain, validating value against ADP in…User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 28 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 Visual Builder
Application URL RetentionSummary Application URL RetentionContent Instead of Vanity URL, can we continue to keep same application URL asthe bug fixes will be migrated to production..User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 Visual Builder
fire Notification Pop-Up is not showing upSummary fire Notification Pop-Up is not showing upContent fire Notification Pop-Up is not showing up on the page (PWA App), but I can see message is fired in browser con…User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 Visual Builder
oj-select single value item is not resetting to nulllSummary oj-select single value item is not resetting to nulllContent Hi , I have value item for oj-select-single. If I select 'ABC' and clearing out manually to blank...…User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 91 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 Visual Builder
How to have table-checkboxes checked by default on page load?Summary How to automatically check checkboxes in a table when the page has finished loading?Content Description The user goes through an application and confirms some ch…User_2025-02-12-05-54-47-417 126 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Role based UI security in VBCSSummary Role based UI security in VBCSContent 1. I created mfgrole in the application settings and assigned my user to it.2. In the page, I implemented below oj-bind-if …User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 22 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-39-48-494 Visual Builder