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POST REST Call in VBCSSummary POST REST Call in VBCSContent Please comment on this issue, what is the solution for it.. 1. I registered as Service Connection for creating webApp - When we do …User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 Visual Builder
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCSSummary Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCSUser_2025-01-31-02-40-13-302 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by JT Thomas-Oracle Visual Builder
Business Rule Violations/Error MessagesSummary Can Business Rule Error Messages be displayed in the UI?Content Hello, I've created a business rule to test for nulls in multiple fields. The rule checks a recor…Stephen Bryant-131052 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Performing validation in csv file using Visual BuilderSummary How to perform various validations on CSV file in Visual BuilderContent We need to perform several validations on csv file in Visual Builder. For example, if a v…
Service Connections - TestingSummary Suddenly started getting errors testing my service connectionsContent This is very odd. I just started getting errors while testing my service connections. The b…
Lock Application while Action Chain is being executedSummary Action Chain - REST Call - Progress bar while is being executed.Content Hi, On my VBCS App I've multiple REST Calls. What I want to do while one of this external…User_2025-02-04-06-37-33-175 20 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-37-33-175 Visual Builder
Hide/Show fields based on radio buttonSummary Want to hide/show a set of fields based on the value of a Radio ButtonContent How can we hide and show a set of 5 fields based on the value of a Radio Button on …
Simple Date ManipulationSummary How to set a field to a predetermined value based on business rulesContent I have a field named Expiration Date in a business object. I want to set this field to…
Action Chain ScopeSummary Is it possible to change the scope of an Action Chain from Item Level to Page LevelContent I have created an Action chain at an Item Level on value change. Is it…
Validate Input Values against HCM using RESTSummary How to validate input values in VBCS against HCM using REST Services?Content I have created a Service provider that is used to fetch person data from HCM. There …
Is Oracle Visual Builder the same program that Pega uses to build out apps?Summary Is Oracle Visual Builder the same program that Pega uses to build out apps?Content I am looking at the very expensive Pega platform for running services in a con…User_2025-01-31-16-11-27-664 11 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Jonathan Hult Visual Builder
Reference field LOV restrictionSummary Reference field LOV restrictionContent Hi - is there a way to restrict a field (Reference). E.g. I have a reference field called Department in the Employee Busin…Vivek Srinivasan-92657 16 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Vivek Srinivasan-92657 Visual Builder
dependent-lists-in-oracle-visual-builder-cloud-service.Summary dependent-lists-in-oracle-visual-builder-cloud-service.Content I am trying to do one small practise. please let me know whether it is possible or not. Same like …