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Invoke External REST service from OICSummary Invoke External REST service from OICContent Hello All - I am trying to Invoke external REST Post service from OIC, it is giving 200 OK response, expected is 201…
while calling Sub integration in Parent integration, Sub integration showing "non-null values" errorSummary while calling Sub integration in Parent integration, Sub integration showing "non-null values" error (data not coming properly )Content Hi, I have two integratio…
How to subscribe Json from JMS QueueSummary I am trying to Subscribe JSON payload from JMS Queue (distributed queue). When configuring Trigger JMS adapter there is no JSON sample schema.Content I am trying…
Rest Adapter Patch Method always returns 404Content I'm Trying to invoke Rest Api , with a patch method , by passing a template paramter called SupplierId, i've configured the sample json request and sample respon…
Facing Java Null Pointer Exception While Replacing The SFTP Connection and Saving the Integration FSummary Facing Java Null Pointer Exception While Replacing The SFTP Connection and Saving the Integration FlowContent Hi All, Facing Java Null Pointer Exception While Re…
Export OIC IntegrationSummary Export OIC Integration does not export child integrationContent Hello Folks, When we import the Integration as IAR file from other instance it does not import th…
Error while Reading the Stage file with Empty last columnContent Process to be done : Fetch the csv file from FTP, read the file and call a REST api (PATCH) with field values on file. Steps : list files from FTP, for each of l…
Oracle CX Sales Cloud - Business Events available outside of Oracle Eco-system (e.g. MuleSoft) ?Summary For Oracle CX Cloud - Can business events available to MuleSoft or any similar integration application?Content Hello, I am looking for information that whether O…
OIC - Best practices for Migration between environmentsSummary Migration of Integrations in Oracle Integration CloudContent Hi, While migrating Integrations from test instance to Prod , what protocols should be followed. Is …
How to manage session ID while invoking cpq webservice through OICSSummary genrate session ID dynamicallyContent Hi All, Im trying to trigger data table soap webservice from OICS, have hard coded ,
Unzip file option SFTP OICSummary Unable to unzip optionContent Hi Gurus, We have 2 SFTP connections and we are not seeing the unzip option in one SFTP versus other. Only Difference is Security P…
Using OIC to Make JDBC calls to AS400Summary JDBC Calls using OICContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to intergrate AS400 DB to OIC. AS400 supports JDBC calls. Is there a way we can u…
ERP Cloud AdapterContent Hi guys, In the ERP Cloud Adapter, how can I make a Purchase Requisition? Is there any Role I need to release this API or is there really no API in the Adapter? …
ESS jobcall from OICS getting erroredSummary failing to call ess job from OICSContent HI All, Im trying to submit one ess job request from OICS, below are the error and payload. can someone help me. Error: …
Information about MuleSoftContent I am currently working as an OIC Developer with 2 years of experience in IT Industry. I came to know about MULESOFT from one of my colleagues. Is it worth to hav…
How to create a complex object in a stage file CSV by combining information from different sources iContent Hi experts, I have the requirement to download some data from a BI report and also UCM files I am using two BI reports, in OIC I have two nested foreach loops I …
Issue on writing a file within a foreach loopContent Hi Experts, I have created an integration that reads a BI Publisher report, my goal is to put the response of the report inside a foreach loop and using a stage …
we are trying Enqueing operation in AQ adapterSummary We are trying Enqueing XML Payload as a Data into Queue Table. For that we selected Queue Details in AQ adapter and structure of the payload is NO (we selected O…
Using an integration to update the description of an expense - Bad response: 401 UnauthorizedSummary Error while dispatching SOAP message to the endpoint…
We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read samSummary We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read same json file in other integration with filename and directory.…
How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterSummary How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterContent How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapter. I have configured REST Adapter Resuest payloa…
OIC REST Adapter modelling in the flow to send raw dataSummary Getting invalid_format error when trying to send raw data in REST adapter OIC.Content Hi all, The rest API expects to send data in below format Body raw (applica…Sumanth Kunimakki-236116 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
We are getting Time out Error while JS Function running (java script is running too long (15000ms).Summary We are getting Time out Error (java script is running more the 15s).Content Hi, We are generating JWT Token using JavaScript in OIC and Script is taking 12s to e…
Error while reading a single record from stage file in OICContent Hello Everyone, I am getting the below error while reading a file having single record from stage file in OIC. I have checked the schema, it is correct. The same…
How to Edit JCA file in OICSummary How to add one properties in JCA file.Content Hi Team, I Have to add one properties in JCA file. can we able to add or not? if able to do, What is property name …
Not able to invoke abstract webserviceSummary getting error while tryin to add ess abstract connection in integrationContent Hi All, I have a requirement to invoke ESS job through OICS, for that i have creat…
call Rest API Without sample requestSummary The XML Payload is generic and doesn't have specific sampleContent Hello, I Have an integration that has OTM Cloud Adapter as a trigger (Using plannedShipment) B…
REST API Invocation ErrorSummary REST API configured with OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials is erroring out while invoking.Content Hi We have configured REST Adapter with OAuth Resource …Sumanth Kunimakki-236116 356 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
What is the maximum size of data we can store in Assign Variable in OIC IntegrationsSummary Maximum limit of Assign VariableContent Hi, We are fetching Report data which is Base64 encoded text. We have kept this operation in a scope, we need to upload t…
Is it possible to run ESS job throuh Oracle integration cloudSummary Not able to register ESS webservice in OICSContent HI Team, I have a requirement to run ESS job in one ointegration, but i'm not able to register webservice in c…