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Uploading an ERP SSL Certificate to OAICSSummary Problem when trying to upload the SSL Cert I've generated for our Cloud ERP Instance:Content Hi, I'm currently setting up our OAICS Instance and following the do…
UCM Integration via GenericSoapOperation - Insufficient PrivilegesSummary UCM integration via GenericSoapOperation encountering "Insufficient Privileges" error as per Diagnostic LogContent Hello OIC Folks, I am doing an integration wit…
ICS: Agent not showing in DB Connection Agent Confguration after installing the On-Premise AgentSummary The agent is not showing in the 'Configure Agents' interface when doing DB Connection setup in ICSContent Hi, We are using ICS Standard Edition, Version: 18.2.3.…
Connection Timeout in REST adapterContent Hi, I have a use case where I have to insert the data from BI report into the database. I have exposed the data insertion as REST service using ORDS. In some cas…
Error Stage File Loop For EachContent Hi, I have the follow flow, i trying to read the payload and map the for-each to get the root element Folio, but when his call the loop nothing happens... i saw …
OIC Connectivity AgentSummary Coomunication and High Availability DetailsContent Hi, Could anybody throw some light what exactly happens in the background when an OIC agent is installed ,how …
How to map from ICS service/operation to ERP web serviceSummary How to map from ICS service/operation to ERP web serviceContent Customer wants to know how to get from ICS service/operation to ERP web service. E.g., InvoiceSer…
SOAP Connection issue - Did not understand ""MustUnderstand"" header(s)Summary SOAP Connection issue - Did not understand ""MustUnderstand"" header(s)Content I am invoking BI pulisher from SOAP Adapter OIC (ICS) and getttign below exception…
Hi, I have made an integration in ICS on "supplier" creation and in the end point service on cloud sSummary Hi, I have made an integration in ICS on "supplier" creation and in the end point service on cloud side i have chosen Business Object: "supplier service" and ope…
MySQL adapter cannot connect (needs JDBC jar?) Using On-Prem agentSummary MySQL adapter cannot connect (needs JDBC jar?) Using On-Prem agentContent I have an OIC instance with an On-Prem adapter installed within my firewall. The On-Pre…
How can I change the trigger connection of an existing integration?Summary How can I change the trigger connection of an existing integration?Content Hello, i have an existing orchestration type integration and i want to change the trig…
i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integration With Rest Connection ?Summary i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integration With Rest Connection ?Content i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integ…
WSDL ErrorSummary WSDL ErrorContent Hello All, I could browse a WSDL URL properly in SOAP UI and it got loaded. But when i try to load the WSDL using OIC COnnections, i get the fo…Nagarajan Kuppuswamy-88738 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration