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Connection Timed Out Exception when invoking an ICS SOAP service from fusionappsSummary Connection Timed Out Exception when invoking an ICS SOAP service from fusionappsContent When attempting to invoke an ICS soap service from fusionapps, below erro…
Runtime Fault/Exception Handling in OIC (Oracle SOA Fault Policy Functionality?)Summary Is Oracle SOA Fault Policy Functionality also present in OIC? Especially handling runtime fault on server sideContent Hello OIC Gurus, Oracle SOA has this Fault …
OIC FTP adapter can't support username + password + key authenticationContent Hi Experts, Do you have a solution for OIC connecting to SFTP which is demanding username + password + key authentication? Currently i can either choose username…
OAuth2 connectivity issue in ICSSummary Unable to set up OAuth2 connectivity in ICSContent We are trying to generate the access token using OAuth configuration but it is failing everytime. Let me try t…
How to create SOAP connection using .wsdl file and within which the endpoint url is username/passworContent Hello experts, For a web service we are are supposed to invoke to retrieve inventory data from third party system, we are provided a .wsdl file, generally we wou…
FTP Adapter Write operation is not recognising new line characterSummary issue to convert a .txt file delimited by pipes in a .csv file without pipes and order by columnsContent Hi All, I have a requirement to read txt file delimited …
SOAP Services with AgentSummary exposing SOAP servicesContent Hello Experts, I am looking for the options to expose the SOAP services from on-premise backend application. Currently on-premise a…
Error connecting to application running on-premise, on same box as connectivity agentContent OIC version 18.3.3 (but occurred in 18.3.1 and 18.2.4 as well) We have a dedicated RHEL 7 box that our production on premise connectivity agent runs on. However,…
Downtime Handling in OICSummary We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime) in OICContent Hi, We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime …
Configure ICS integration to work for different environmentsSummary the ICS endpoint should dynamically push data into different Edge Systems.Content We have built an ICS integration to pull Items from Product Hub and push to dif…
Certificate IssuesSummary Not able to call the integrationsContent Hi all. Had created the signed certificate and installed on the client location and certificate seems fine/valid. But wh…
User Management: Error Removing Admin/User Roles in OIC Service InstanceSummary Encountering Error with User Management (Assigning Roles) in OIC Service Instance I createdContent Hi, I am exploring the user management part of Oracle Cloud, u…
Running OIC ICS Integration in SoapUI or PostmanSummary Getting "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" when I tried to run the integration in OIC ICSContent Hi, I created a Scheduled Orchestration Integration and ICS was ab…
Connect to Workday Adapter - ICSContent I am unable to connect to workday using ICS workday adapter. Error : No service at endpoint=…
Uploading an ERP SSL Certificate to OAICSSummary Problem when trying to upload the SSL Cert I've generated for our Cloud ERP Instance:Content Hi, I'm currently setting up our OAICS Instance and following the do…
UCM Integration via GenericSoapOperation - Insufficient PrivilegesSummary UCM integration via GenericSoapOperation encountering "Insufficient Privileges" error as per Diagnostic LogContent Hello OIC Folks, I am doing an integration wit…
ICS: Agent not showing in DB Connection Agent Confguration after installing the On-Premise AgentSummary The agent is not showing in the 'Configure Agents' interface when doing DB Connection setup in ICSContent Hi, We are using ICS Standard Edition, Version: 18.2.3.…
Connection Timeout in REST adapterContent Hi, I have a use case where I have to insert the data from BI report into the database. I have exposed the data insertion as REST service using ORDS. In some cas…
Error Stage File Loop For EachContent Hi, I have the follow flow, i trying to read the payload and map the for-each to get the root element Folio, but when his call the loop nothing happens... i saw …
OIC Connectivity AgentSummary Coomunication and High Availability DetailsContent Hi, Could anybody throw some light what exactly happens in the background when an OIC agent is installed ,how …
How to map from ICS service/operation to ERP web serviceSummary How to map from ICS service/operation to ERP web serviceContent Customer wants to know how to get from ICS service/operation to ERP web service. E.g., InvoiceSer…
SOAP Connection issue - Did not understand ""MustUnderstand"" header(s)Summary SOAP Connection issue - Did not understand ""MustUnderstand"" header(s)Content I am invoking BI pulisher from SOAP Adapter OIC (ICS) and getttign below exception…
Hi, I have made an integration in ICS on "supplier" creation and in the end point service on cloud sSummary Hi, I have made an integration in ICS on "supplier" creation and in the end point service on cloud side i have chosen Business Object: "supplier service" and ope…
MySQL adapter cannot connect (needs JDBC jar?) Using On-Prem agentSummary MySQL adapter cannot connect (needs JDBC jar?) Using On-Prem agentContent I have an OIC instance with an On-Prem adapter installed within my firewall. The On-Pre…
How can I change the trigger connection of an existing integration?Summary How can I change the trigger connection of an existing integration?Content Hello, i have an existing orchestration type integration and i want to change the trig…
i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integration With Rest Connection ?Summary i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integration With Rest Connection ?Content i have 3 OPeration needed From Hcm Can expose it in Same Integ…
WSDL ErrorSummary WSDL ErrorContent Hello All, I could browse a WSDL URL properly in SOAP UI and it got loaded. But when i try to load the WSDL using OIC COnnections, i get the fo…Nagarajan Kuppuswamy-88738 47 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration