ERP Cloud
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Run the Bulk Import ESS jobs paralleleySummary Run the Bulk Import ESS jobs paralleleyContent When invoked bulk import process with properties file having multiple rows to invoke multiple ESS jobs with respec…
Leveraging OIC to transform invoice number from IDR-imported invoicesSummary: Client has 3,000 utility invoices per month. These will be scanned in via IDR. Each month, the service or customer account number on the invoice would be the sa…
While calling fscmRestApi/resources/ api from VBCS giving 403Hi All, I am calling fscmRestApi/resources/ POST API from VBCS page but I am getting 403 Forbidden error. But from Postman its workin…
Oracle ERP Cloud - Application Composer - Custom ObjectsSummary: Need Limitations on Custom Business Objects build and migrations. I am looking for answers to the below questions. Content (required): 1. What is the limitation…
any rest api to upload file to ucm as multipart form requestSummary: Hi Experts I'm looking for the oracle fusion rest api to upload file as multi part form data request to UCM. i don't want to send the data in json body but i wa…
How to integrate EDM with ERP Cloud using OIC 3Summary: Hi Team, We have to sync Chart of accounts maintained in EDMCS to ERP Cloud using OIC 3 and wanted to take inputs on best practices, lessons learnt and approach…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Integration
Integration with JPMC Concourse with OICSummary: We are trying to integrate JPMC Concourse and ERP Cloud with OIC for creating payment intents via Concourse APIs. Did anyone had requirement and can share input…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 21 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Integration
How to Import Bulk Customers with FBDI Template using OIC ERP Adapter and receive a CallbackSummary: How to Import Bulk Customers with FBDI Template using OIC ERP Adapter and receive a Callback Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
SOAP Service createCustomerAccount not available in ERP AdapterSummary: We are using ERP Adapter against Oracle ERP Cloud. In some integrations we are going to create Customer account with site and customer profile which require SOA…
how to invoke oauth protected oic integration from fusion hcm? If by Groovy, wht security setup req?Summary: How to invoke external rest API protected with oAuth from fusion hcm using groovy script? can anyone please share detailed steps regarding secuirty configuratio…
Not able to update the status of a sales order via REST APISummary Getting Error when trying to update a status of an orrder via rest apiContent Hi , I am trying to change the status of a sales order using a rest api . (EndPoint…
ERP Cloud adapter Connection test failedSummary: ERP Cloud Adapter connection test is failing using the Oauth Authorization Code Credentials Security Policy in the OIC Connection. Client needs Oauth token only…ravichander gambhiraopeta 115 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raman_Balasubramaniam Integration
Is there documentation with the set-up of the Item Master Standard Integration (ERP-OTM)?Hi, I would like to know if it exists a formal document with the set-up of the Item Master Standard Integration (from ERP Product Hub to OTM). I am specifically looking …
Adjustment and credit memo web serviceSummary ERP adapter > Services > Doesn't show below mentioned services.Content What are the roles required to invoke below service using OIC ERP adapter. 1. Credit Memo …
ERP Cloud Events - ContentsSummary: Is there a way to retrieve the content of a published event through a rest service . Just like you can get the failed eventDetails but not the contents of the e…
AP invoice Sync from EBS to Fusion IntegartionHi , I have a requirement where i need to sync the ap invoices from Oracle EBS to Fusion and invoices processing will be taken care in EBS alone. Assumptions:1. 1.NO Pay…
ERP Cloud Integration Services Callback From External SystemSummary: We have automated the GL Journal Import process using the ERP Integration Service, as detailed in the article below.…
How to create organization using the FoundationPartiesOrganizationService?Hi, what is the minimum filds needed in the request payload to create an organization using the WSDL /crmService/FoundationPartiesOrganizationService?WSDLmarcelo.benitez 333 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vipin Kumar - Oracle-Oracle Integration
The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is missing for service getProductRelationShipContent Hi Experts, I'm trying to execute the "Oracle Salesforce ERP Opportunity to Order" recipe and getting below error: The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is missing for…
error while calling APP Driven integration (with payload) from Application composer using POSTMAN.We are creating an OIC wrapper in Application Composer where we need to pass some parameters and a request body to trigger the integration. However, when triggering the …
What is the efficient method for performing data updates (data fixes) in Oracle Cloud ERP?Summary: We often receive requests for updating data in Oracle Cloud ERP (Oracle Fusion ERP), particularly regarding DFF values. Typically, we utilize FBDI for these upd…
Running an ESS job via Oracle Integration, unable to get PDF outputSummary: Running a [Fusion Financials] Print Transactions ESS job via Oracle Integration. I am then trying to download the output. So far I can just download zip file th…
Invoke OIC Integration from Fusion/ESS JobSummary: Invoke OIC Integration from Fusion/ESS Job Content (required): Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to invoke/run an OIC Integration directly from Oracle F…
OIC - Cloud Adapter connection issueTo invoke the Oracle Fusion web service, we are transitioning to OAuth. OAuth has been set up, the connection has been configured, and it works fine. However, one issue …
Oracle Fusion Business Events consumption in OIC Gen2Summary: Oracle Fusion Business Events consumption in OIC (Service Limits) in Gene Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Q) If we have 500k even…
BICC: How to Find Current Run ExtractsSummary: I an trying to submit BICC extracts through esswebservice. I see extracts are being submitted and completed without any issues. However, when I check UCM for th…
Impact of huge Business Events volume in Oracle ERP Cloud and OICSummary: Impact of huge Business Events volume in Oracle ERP Cloud and OIC Content (required): We are planning on building multiple event based real time OIC integration…
invalid_grant : The token has already been consumedSummary: invalid_grant : The token has already been consumed. Content (required): We set up trust between Identity domain and ERP and configured OAUTH. This is to call F…
Run large BIP reports using ScheduleReportWSSServiceSummary: In the following document Oracle advises using the ScheduleReportWSSService for executing BIP reports with substantial data volumes. Fusion Application BI Publi…
downloadESSJobExecutionDetails in ErpIntegrationService returns SocketTimeoutExceptionSummary: We are leveraging the downloadESSJobExecutionDetails in the ErpIntegrationService to download ESS job output files from Oracle Cloud ERP. Although the service u…