Discussion List
Error in stage file activitySummary: Hi Getting below error, while reading file. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…
OIC GEN3 migration OIC2 to OIC3 RisksSummary: OIC GEN3 migration OIC2 to OIC3 Risks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! If anyone has migrated or upgrade from …
OIC 3,a good option for a web interface for users to upload and download files for OIC integrations?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
OCI Activity Stream Export Logging SolutionSummary: We are currently looking at solutions for exporting OIC activity streams and payloads outside of OCI. Our OIC instances have been deployed on a SaaS Tenancy, an…
How to manage version control in OIC with Bitbucket within the Oracle ecosystem?Hello everyone, We use Bitbucket for version control. We want to know what is the best way to manage versioning and automation in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). Is ther…
How to integrate EDM with ERP Cloud using OIC 3Summary: Hi Team, We have to sync Chart of accounts maintained in EDMCS to ERP Cloud using OIC 3 and wanted to take inputs on best practices, lessons learnt and approach…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Integration
Integration with JPMC Concourse with OICSummary: We are trying to integrate JPMC Concourse and ERP Cloud with OIC for creating payment intents via Concourse APIs. Did anyone had requirement and can share input…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 21 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Integration
DeFault handler is disabled in OIC gen3Summary: Hi Need to understand why Default handler is disabled . Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usin…
Any Oracle Doc link for OIC message consumption for tracing levels while activating IntegrationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Raman_Balasubramaniam 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle Integration
integrating the asset management module with the lease accounting modulein oracle fusion, integrating the asset management module with the lease accounting module to send automated emails to customers when a maintenance work order is generat…
Running a SOAP Invoke for ESS JobSet with Replyto Invokes a callback Integration throwing 401 errorSummary: "errorMessage": "Error while processing authentication at Trigger. Failed due to - 401 : Unauthorized", "errorCode": "401", "endpointName": "xxcallback", "error…
how to get unique values in integration with Fusion REST APISummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement in my integration to get the unique values from the Oracle fusion rest api (lookup api), here there could be 10000 records with …
OIC Gen 3 Robot (RPA)- Checkbox Activity unable to locate a Fusion checkbox at runtimeSummary: While building a robot on OIC Gen 3 RPA, I'm using the Checkbox activity to identify the current value (checked or unchecked) of a checkbox in Oracle Fusion Clo…
How to Import Bulk Customers with FBDI Template using OIC ERP Adapter and receive a CallbackSummary: How to Import Bulk Customers with FBDI Template using OIC ERP Adapter and receive a Callback Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
how to pass 100 mb file in fusion rest api requets body as base64 jsonSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement where in i have to upload file to fusion almost 100 mb using fusion rest api, api accepts the file as bas64 in request body. in …
OCI Logging Analytics SubscriptionSummary: Is the OCI Logging Analytics included in the subscription of Oracle Integration Cloud or is it a a separate product with its own licensing? Content (please ensu…
EPMAT-7: "runPipeline" is not an epmautomate commandSummary: Greetings, per the Oracle documentation, we are now able to execute a Data Exchange pipeline via epmautomate using "runPipeline", within the test environment. I…
When does OIC determine something is a Large payloadSummary: In some integrations OIC shows the incoming payload as ' Large Payload Wire Message', even when it's 2KB for example. If this happens in the logging (log group)…
EncodeReferenceToBase64( File Reference) is not working in OICSummary: Hi , EncodeReferenceToBase64( File Reference) is not working in OIC, if file name contains + sign in it. Please suggest how to overcome this. If i remove + sign…
Connect Hive with OICThere is a requirement to integrate with HIVE application(using Data Bricks) through OIC. Appreciate If you can share the approach and best practices.
oracle integration 3 rest adapterSummary: In Oracle Integration 3 when configuring a trigger connection for REST Adapter expecting a JSON request, are there any way of using JSON Schema or OpenAPI speci…
"There is no RPA flow in the Project". Cannot see RPA BOT in dropdown list to call from IntegrationSummary: We have created a RPA bot in the project and its in activated state. However when we try to configure, to call it from Integration we cannot find it in the list…
Export an integration with in a Project is not available in Gen3Summary: In OIC Gen3, exporting an integration that is part of a project is not available. How can this be achieved? Is this a limitation imposed by Oracle? Content (ple…
Deletion of Deprecated TLS Ciphers on * endpoint (31 March 2025)In our organisation's integrations, we are using * endpoint and TLS version 1.2. Just wanted to know if the deletion of the deprecated TLS ciphers…
Trigger app driven oracle Integration from Oracle database using PLSQLSummary: Our requirement is to trigger oracle integration from our Oracle DBaaS Database. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
Eloqua - Airship Cloud ConnectorHi everyone, We are currently finishing up the Cloud Connector for the Airship ( platform. This third party app will allow Eloqua to send push messages v…
ftp adapter mapper decryptSummary: What's the proper value to pass in the mapper to the Decrypt attribute of the FTP Adapter? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm us…
OIC VCN for whitelistingHello all Is there an easy route to know the VCN for OIC for whitelisting ? We are using ATP database with whitelisting hence need the VCN for OIC instance. Thanks
Passing certificates for access token to third party REST APIHello Looking for some guidance on how we can pass transport certificates to third party REST API from OIC for the access token end point. In Postman we has to configure…
How to get the hostname of VBCS and OPA instance linked to OIC at runtime in mapperSummary: Hi Experts We are using Oracle Integration 3, i have a requirement to give the link to VBCS page at runtime and also for OPA instance (Process automation). I co…