Discussion List
Issue when using existing integration flow in new integrationSummary Call - Integration action doesn't let me map outputsContent When I configure a step in my new integration to call an existing integration I'm having an issue map…
Using OIC to Make JDBC calls to AS400Summary JDBC Calls using OICContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to intergrate AS400 DB to OIC. AS400 supports JDBC calls. Is there a way we can u…
REST Query ParametersSummary REST Query ParametersContent Hi Experts, Below REST endpoint returns array of records with startdate and enddate as two of the many elements. startdate and endda…
FBDI File Export to FTPSummary FBDI File Export to FTPContent Hi, We want to start our first integration with File Based Orchestration. For this purpose we first want to schedule a file upload…
ERP Cloud AdapterContent Hi guys, In the ERP Cloud Adapter, how can I make a Purchase Requisition? Is there any Role I need to release this API or is there really no API in the Adapter? …
ESS jobcall from OICS getting erroredSummary failing to call ess job from OICSContent HI All, Im trying to submit one ess job request from OICS, below are the error and payload. can someone help me. Error: …
Information about MuleSoftContent I am currently working as an OIC Developer with 2 years of experience in IT Industry. I came to know about MULESOFT from one of my colleagues. Is it worth to hav…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 15 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 Integration
Can we call OIC / ICS Wrapper Service from ESS directly?Summary Current structure : ESS > BIP Report > OIC/ICS Wrapper service. I want : ESS > OIC Wrapper Service. Is it possible?Content Greetings Everyone, Existing :- * BI S…
How to pick up files from FTP directory based on File creation time?Summary How to pick up files from FTP directory based on File creation time?Content Hi Everyone, We are able to successfully download file from FTP server based on File …Karthick Rajarathinam 51 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-08-48-46-410 Integration
How to create a complex object in a stage file CSV by combining information from different sources iContent Hi experts, I have the requirement to download some data from a BI report and also UCM files I am using two BI reports, in OIC I have two nested foreach loops I …
Convert UTC date time to US PDT date timeSummary Convert UTC date time to US PDT date timeContent Hi, Please help how to convert the UTC time 2020-08-04T13:25:11.047Z to equivalent US PDT time 2020-08-04T06:25:…
Rollback Support for OIC Integration?Summary Rollback Support for OIC Integration?Content Hi Team, We have built a synchronous OIC integration, which performs the below operations in a sequential order: 1. …
Issue with Error Handling case in Batch Actions of Rest Service in Contract Billing EventsSummary Error Handling based on batch wise in Rest Service of billing eventsContent Hi All Facing issue in catching error message in SOA for batch actions in Billing eve…
XPATH Filter ExpressionSummary Can we define a XPATH Filter Expression using 'AND' and 'OR' operators?Content Hi Integration Guru's We have a requirement to include complex conditions in our X…Mark Chappell-112191 159 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-14-42-619 Integration
Create new AP invoice with status "Validated"Summary newly imported ap invoices has status "never validated"Content I'm using ebs adapter in oic , to import AP invoices into EBS . and the invoices are imported with…
Retrying faults at the scope levelSummary Retrying faults at the scope levelContent Hi Team, The blogs says Note that when an instance is resubmitted…
Need to decrypt file which has been encrypted and signedSummary I have an integration where i need to decrypt an encrypted file which is also signed by the clientContent I Need to decrypt file which has been encrypted and sig…
Data Stich with dynamic indexSummary Data Stich with dynamic indexContent Hi Experts Below is the scenario I'm using Data stich to assign values to the global variable in a Loop. I'm using counter a…
Export the Integration package the asserter load is important or not.Summary Is Asserter load is mandatory to check when export the Integration package?Content what is the advantage we can get if Asserter load is on when export the Integr…
Issue on writing a file within a foreach loopContent Hi Experts, I have created an integration that reads a BI Publisher report, my goal is to put the response of the report inside a foreach loop and using a stage …
Using File Reference - File not found ErrorSummary For app Driven orchestration, Not able to use File Reference in responseContent Hi All, I have question on OIC Virtual File System. I have built an app driven in…
Avoid DBCS in OICSummary Store in variable to use in Multiple processContent Hi Gurus, I have a integration which is dependant on diffrent callback responses. The flow is as below. a) I …
How to change the 'Incomplete' status of created requisition using REST API to 'Pending approval'?Summary The created requisition using REST API goes to Incomplete status, how to change it to Pending Approval?Content I am trying to Create a Requisition using REST API…
EFF fileds are reflecting in ERP cloud adapeter connectionSummary Not able to map EFF filedsContent Hi All, There is an integration to create sales order in OM from Commerce application, have used Oracle ERP Cloud adapter in th…
we are trying Enqueing operation in AQ adapterSummary We are trying Enqueing XML Payload as a Data into Queue Table. For that we selected Queue Details in AQ adapter and structure of the payload is NO (we selected O…
Using an integration to update the description of an expense - Bad response: 401 UnauthorizedSummary Error while dispatching SOAP message to the endpoint…
Lookup does not existSummary Getting error as lookup does not existContent While we are running integration we are getting error as lookup does not exist in an XSLT, thought the lookup is av…
Error in ATOM FeedSummary Receiving error in all atom feeds without any changeContent UPDATE: IT WAS A PARAMETER ERROR, I WAS NOT SENDING DATE PARAMETER ON THE EXPECTED FORMAT (2020-09-26…
Lookup getting into locked stateSummary Lookup getting into locked stateContent Anyone facing issue with lookups getting locked state in random manner? Version - (200705.0200.36413) Version …
OIC write file inside loopContent Hi Experts, I have a requirement to post transaction to fusion apps. For this, we did the following: * Some processing .... * Start a while loop with the conditi…