Discussion List
How to read Data from .pdf filesContent Hi Team, we have a requirement to read data from .pdf files .Is it possible in OIC and if not the what are the other way to read the data from .pdf file. Thanks,…
Unable to email the attachment i am getting in response message in OICSummary I am not sure what mapper should i used to email the attachment i am getting as a response XSD payloadContent Hi, I am trying to get the response payload which c…
OIC - How to invoke BIP ws and read output dataSummary How to invoke BIP web service and parse/read the output in OIC?Content Hi everyone, How to invoke BIP web service and parse/read the output and share the parsed …
Data Masking Feature in OICSummary Data Masking for Sensitive DataContent Hi folks, Is it possible to perform data masking for sensitive data in OIC? Maybe something similar like this feature whic…
Read excel file in OICSummary We have a requirement, where we want to read Excel file in OIC and call a web-service to refer this dataContent Hi, We have a requirement where excel file is giv…
Write Limit of stage fileContent Hi All, I am pulling data from DB (By select and it can have less than or equal to 10k data) and i am writing into stage file. My question is what is the limit t…
Need Solution to read fbdi format file from UCM , transform in OIC to FBDI format and invoke ESSSummary Need Solution to read fbdi format file from UCM , transform in OIC to FBDI format and invoke ESS jobContent Need pointers for the integration road map for manual…
callback integration failingContent Hi All, I am getting below error in call back integration .please tell me what is the reason of this error Error Summary: ICS runtime execution encountered {http…
How to Receive Multi-Part Form Data Json File as Attachment and Insert Data to DB TableContent How to Receive Multi-Part Form Data Json File as Attachment and Insert Data to DB Table? Please advise if anyone has any pointers/blogposts/solution in transform…Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle 17 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shivakumar Ayyanagowdar-Oracle Integration
Do we have possibility to read and write an excel file in OICSummary Do we have possibility to read and write an excel file in OICContent We have 2 requirements: 1. To read an excel file, process the data 2.To write an excel file …
How to send response from global faultContent Hi All, I have build a one app driven integration where in the trigger rest connection i have provided the request and response payload.If some thing error occur…
Convert Comma Separated into OR delimiterSummary Convert Comma Separated into OR delimiterContent Hi, I am currently doing a logic on changing the data format from: "listOfAccountNumbers" : "0000001, 000002, 00…
Using lookup-xml in integrationsContent Hi, I've been trying to implement a solution which needs to join data from two different files. File A contains business data and File B(xml) contains reference …
How to lookup a value in one xml based upon some key in another xml in ICSSummary looking for example to use lookup-xml functionContent Hi ICS community, We would like to lookup a value from one xml (response received from a REST call) based u…
OIC - Create a "fault handler integration" - invoke an integration with a fault objectContent Hi, I have some common faults that may arise in different integrations or different scopes of a same integration. The way to handle these faults would be the sam…
Execute select statement on an Oracle Database using variables for limit and offsetContent Hello, I need to execute a select statement on an Oracle Database using variables for limit and offset, but trying to execute the select like in the attached ima…
ForEach ending before iterate all dataSummary Foreach ending on iteration 8 instead of 16 without showing errorContent Hello, I attached an excel file that is being interated in a for each composite in OIC..…
traversing the rest response in OICSummary reading rest response of particular attributesContent Hi Folks, I am working on a poc and getting rest response as below. My requirement is to read the AccountNu…
How To Schedule a Integration at the end of every monthContent Hi Expert, I want to schedule a integration at the end of every month.Can Anyone share me the steps and also the ical expression. Regards, Pritam
Migrating Integration to ICS to OIC one of Invoke adapter giving error and not saving.Summary Integration is working in ICS and that integration migrated to OIC . It is not giving configure option and having draft . When edit and save then it is giving er…
How to process multiple files in same directorySummary How to process multiple files in same directoryContent I have a directory in FTP called Student in which there are three files Programs, Courses and Terms. All t…
How to Convert date into YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SSContent Hi All, I have a requirement where i need to change the source file date format into YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS in the mapper. Thanks ,
CASDK-0041: An error occurred while invoking the REST endpoint.Summary We are running OIC to push files from UCM to Azure. For some of the files we are getting this errorContent Fault Details :
How to get the AP invoice report that is generated in the fusion to send as attachment in email viaContent Hi All, Our Requirement is to get the AP invoice report that is generated in the fusion to send as attachment in email via OIC. so how we can implement the use c…
How transform application/x-www-form-urlencoded to JSON payload using stage file?Content Hello, An external system invoking OIC with the request content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. After decode the reference to string, how do I map to eac…
Get the node value from a repeted node.Summary I want to get the href value from a payload that have several href in the response. Is there a function to be used on the map operator to get just the first ocur…Rodrigo Leonel Sartorato-162426 27 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Rodrigo Leonel Sartorato-162426 Integration
Hanlde dynamic REST response in OICContent Hi Experts, I'm calling the external REST API in OIC which returns the dynamic response as below: Response-1 { "name":"Ankur", "age":1 } Response-2 { "contact":"…
OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesSummary OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesContent Hello! We have an app-driven integration that invokes a "Publish to OIC" integration, and a Subscribe integratio…
Configure Trigger REST adapter to accept text/html response bodyContent Hello, I am trying to configure a trigger rest adapter to call an external API that returns a XML text as the response but with the content-type text/html. How s…
OIC mapping - XPath expression failureContent Getting back to working on this project after almost a year. Via this forum, Hemanth helped me create parent/child xsd's (attached) for a multi-namespace xml pay…